Is this Alpha just PVP development
The question is in the title. For me the alpha test has died a little, because of the PVP, and the time it takes to be flagged for PVP.
With only 20 hours before you are PVP flagged you have time to explore, do low level hotspots, build your house and make your stations. Now you are ready to have fun in the game! The problem is that there are only a few hotspots in the game and they are generally camped by large PVP groups, as it is their only chance to PVP. If you are a solo player, a casual player, small group player or just want PVE the hotspots are almost impossible to survive as you get caught by large groups of PVP’ers.I don’t mind dying to PVP, losing my gold and loot. Risk vs reward. Loss of gear hurts, as you have to go back to base and get new gear then return to a hot spot if you want to continue.
The problem is that the good hotspots or some legendary creatures are not accessible to some players now due to PVP camps. This is the same as other MMO’s, but in this game there will be a choice of locations for different play styles.If you want to PVE, the best spots and end game content is not available. I have been killed in a group of 3, 3 times in last two days at Bone Pit by very large PVP groups. We wanted to summon Crimson but it was camped. PVP’ers have to go where they know the players will be.
This alpha is now just a PVP test, some people in my city have left the alpha as they don’t want to get ganked every time they go to a hotspot.
Hi @Vialli
PvP (the criminal system, jails and BH, the upcoming city sieges) was surely the focus of this Alpha, together with the restructuring of the layout of the world and cities (the Tech Tree, residential areas, etc). Almost all of the dev time was spent there, very little was added on the PvE and player progression side compared to the Fall Alpha.
We would have liked to do more on PvE, but we're a very small team (8 people, of which 3 programmers including myself), so... we can say that all the PvE has been tested already. What hasn't been tested is the interaction between PvE and PvP players, which is happening now for the first time - rather unpleasantly, as you've pointed out.
The structure of the world is surely a big culprit there. Player progression has to go through some specific hotspots, you can't complete your character if you don't... well, actually you could do a lot if there was an active economy with people selling Lore Tablets at marketplaces, but there isn't. So you feel stuck.
We have plans to address the situation which we'll disclose in our upcoming roadmap, but it's going to be a major rework, sadly not something that can be patched in during a playtest.
@Prometheus this alpha had the chance for people to play for the whole month, unfortunately this alpha is over for a lot of people already. A lot of players are suffocated because they can’t access content due to large PVP groups killing anyone they cross.
@Vialli said in Is this Alpha just PVP development:
@Prometheus this alpha had the chance for people to play for the whole month, unfortunately this alpha is over for a lot of people already. A lot of players are suffocated because they can’t access content due to large PVP groups killing anyone they cross.
Yes, as I've said before, we are aware and we are planning solutions, but that's not something we can deliver before the end of the test sadly.
Please be aware that all testing phases for backers last for 1 month (at least). This one (Spring Alpha) is the 7th one we have and there will be more
@Prometheus said in Is this Alpha just PVP development:
@Vialli said in Is this Alpha just PVP development:
@Prometheus this alpha had the chance for people to play for the whole month, unfortunately this alpha is over for a lot of people already. A lot of players are suffocated because they can’t access content due to large PVP groups killing anyone they cross.
Yes, as I've said before, we are aware and we are planning solutions, but that's not something we can deliver before the end of the test sadly.
Please be aware that all testing phases for backers last for 1 month (at least). This one (Spring Alpha) is the 7th one we have and there will be more
Can you atleast say what are the planned solutions? Not exactly what you will do, just what aspects its supposed to change etc.? We have a saying here, "Slibem nezarmoutíš" which (brutal translation) is roughly "Cant do any wrong with a promise". (Maybe found english version of it "To promise the Moon.").
No offense, but without any specifics its like something the bigger devs and publishers love to do sadly "just calm them down, dont anger the rest", it kinda feels like an easy way to calm the angry PvE/PvP people, without making the criminal/ganker people angry, only to let it eventually be forgotten
Have you seen Ostaffs thread about better Alpha system and how to make them more effective and active?
@LonelyCookie said in Is this Alpha just PVP development:
We have a saying here, "Slibem nezarmoutíš" which (brutal translation) is roughly "Cant do any wrong with a promise".
Ahah I'm afraid I totally disagree with that saying
It's a long discussion and better suited for the official Roadmap to the summer alpha
(and yes, I've seen the post, I'll reply as soon as I have a bit more time)