Greetings from France

Best posts made by Lessa
RE: I feel that we need an RP server, this game is perfect for that
Agree with @Gothix you can manage with no RP people. And i saw RP servers in other games, most of the players didn't understand that there are not in normal server, they just select it for the name, the number of players, or because the game highlights it. And it's also your fight as a RP guy, make your history enough credible so people follow you. And if they don't... hmm it will be sad but who care ?
RE: The Fractured Pre-Alpha Is Coming!
Good luck for the chosen ones, I'm waiting for January to join you
RE: Any volunteer to be a hangman ?
The question is who wants to be volunteer with me, because i don't want to die alone
Latest posts made by Lessa
RE: Y aura t'il des DLC??
Bonjour et bienvenue @KingIIJulian.
Je pense qu'avant de penser à sortir des DLC, il faudrait déjà laisser le temps à l'équipe de sortir le jeu
RE: The Fractured Pre-Alpha Is Coming!
Good luck for the chosen ones, I'm waiting for January to join you
RE: En attente que le jeu sorte ! CommuFR se retrouver
Bon ça va mon vieux cerveau fonctionne encore
RE: En attente que le jeu sorte ! CommuFR se retrouver
Arf il semble que mon clavier bouffe des mots... Ã moins que ce soit moi qui oublie de les taper
RE: En attente que le jeu sorte ! CommuFR se retrouver
Je ne sais toujours pas qui je serais, sinon je crois m'être déjà présentée sur le forum... Et vu que c'est déjà un exercice que je n'aime pas, je vais pas le refaire... Par contre je vais radoter en parlant du discord qui reste un bon outil pour apprendre à se connaitre... Surtout que là je me seule face à @Esher, @Kanol et @suruq
RE: Bonjour à tous
Bienvenue, heureuse de voir qu'on a un gouverneur parmi nous. Et si tu veux échanger avant d'être en jeu, il y a toujours le discord
RE: I feel that we need an RP server, this game is perfect for that
Agree with @Gothix you can manage with no RP people. And i saw RP servers in other games, most of the players didn't understand that there are not in normal server, they just select it for the name, the number of players, or because the game highlights it. And it's also your fight as a RP guy, make your history enough credible so people follow you. And if they don't... hmm it will be sad but who care ?
RE: Any volunteer to be a hangman ?
The question is who wants to be volunteer with me, because i don't want to die alone