sounds like a job for a community manager!

Best posts made by Jetah
RE: can the forum be the main source of game knowledge and not discord?
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
fact is we need more spotlights!! these content pills aren't enough.
RE: Too much mouse clicking; hello carpal tunnel
i've asked for WASD movement, to help physically challenged people. i've posted about a blind gamer that plays via sounds but would need a screen reader for menus, gear and stat comparison.
I doubt we'll get that at release and if it isn't at release we might not get it at all.
the idea is 1 ability, 1 action. so auto attacking isn't something that is core to the game.
there are foot peddles that work as a mouse click.but then again i'm not a developer and i dont speak for them. so they might have it in the works just not available to us yet.
RE: Travelling&Exploration
@Prometheus said in Travelling&Exploration:
@Clinion @Razvan @Farlander there's one part of the game that's still missing which is at the core of your issues here: cities!
The closest one will always serve as respawn point if you die, will provide local storage for your items, will allow you to rest in a tavern, etc. It will truly make the travelling experience feel very different, without taking away that "preparation" part that players like @Balderly enjoy, which is actually a core component of the Fractured experience
oh, yes. the "closest" doesn't include it being around the mountain so your trip back is 3 hours, vs the slightly further one away that's a 15 minute trip back.
RE: Travelling&Exploration
@Prometheus said in Travelling&Exploration:
@Jetah @Razvan we'll try to make the system as smart as possible, but in general we don't have such long impassable mountains on the map. The only exception is the chain surrounding the Vale, but there will be no towns within it, so that won't be a problem
honestly i think having us select the city would be better. show a map of where we are, where cities are we can respawn to. this negates the whole 'auto spawn in a bad area' situation. now i'm thinking of this mostly from the testing aspect. i think at launch the character should be a ghost at their body (or graveyards). being a soul having to navigate back to a body is pretty doable. otherwise the gods are just creating bodies at will for every death.
RE: Funding has exploded
I'd suggest to have another free week when beast or demons are available. then another when all 3 are available.
RE: My opinion about stage of gamedev.
alpha is the stage of development where things are missing.
beta is the stage of fine tuning all mechanics.there are plenty of mechanics that still need to be added to the game. from the little i read of your post, you'll want to wait till beta or some type of 'just before release' open beta.
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
i still think 1k is too big. i'm all for guild perks and/or knowledge to expand starting cap.
RE: Survey Idea
i actually hate that. i just want to close it and never fill it out after every time i close the game.i just keep the game open while i have notepad++ or the forums open. i can quickly grab screen shots, gifs, etc that way.
RE: Angel? Angel Spells?
actually! it's based on karma. nothing else. if you get your karma into the positive, you can live on the fury planet.
RE: Survey Idea
alt tab is pretty easy too. it's usually how i operate.
RE: Non Game Breaking Ideas For the Competitive Amongst Us
that sounds like seasonal rewards but with extra steps.
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
@Yitra said in How big should guilds allowed to be?:
@Razvan said in How big should guilds allowed to be?:
to incorporate all the demons, you heavily overestimate the human nature.
Humans, playing humans. Picture the situation there.........
Luckily being on Arboreus, we all sit by the campfire, singing kumbaya and let you lot kill each other
until the fire nation att.. oh wait. until the demon planet attacks!
RE: Best mmo features
Bard, that used cords as abilities. the game provided (whatever the number of ability keys was) of cords that were unlocked as you leveled. you started with 3 cords that allowed you to heal, attack, and slight support. later on you had 9 cords that you weaved to do heal, support, damage, debuff, etc..
RE: Non Game Breaking Ideas For the Competitive Amongst Us
alternative art would be pretty sweet for guild rewards or leader boards in general.
RE: Best mmo features
best game feature was when you couldn't pay.. to not play the game.
RE: Foundation
@Kralith said in Foundation:
i mean.. they can add stuff after it's released. they can use the rewards as a way to keep people here, otherwise people may get the reward they want then stop visiting.
it's a reward for being active on the forums. i dont see any reason to deny certain people who came late any rewards so long as they put in the effort pre-release.
I'd much rather the foundation levels stop so that others can catch the top 10, i'm fine with others catching up and i dont expect anything 'exclusive' from other foundation members.
RE: Foundation
And they'll miss all of the emails. it's common knowledge that late adopters can get the items faster and cheaper.
I dont see the foundation as a means of keeping cosmetics exclusive. if they want to adjust the reward levels then that's fine but even then they're free content.
i've read of some of the original people didn't have the daily comment to get points. the news was nothing and there was much to get points. i joined in jan '18 and could quickly get to level 30-ish. i worried that i'd never get all the rewards and stayed on the forums every waking moment i could find. it didnt take me long to get all the rewards. so if someone new showing up can get to level 50-80 then great for them.i'm here and no on reddit or discord because of the Foundation, so on that part it's doing a great job!