Didn't see anyone else mention this:
Fractured is now at the top of the Top Voted Games in Development at mmorpg.com
Didn't see anyone else mention this:
Fractured is now at the top of the Top Voted Games in Development at mmorpg.com
Anyone looking for some YouTube Coverage, check out
I put it together from my steam coverage. I'm going to be doing some other content creation work for Fractured to try to stir up some hype.
Been following Fractured since the Kickstarter. This open testing period shows a bunch of stuff coming together.
Put this together because a lot of people still haven't even heard of Fractured, that needs to change.
@Gothix said in Developer updates regarding game status?:
NDA kinda prevents the flow of new information so, naturally, there is less things to discuss in open forums.
But very soon, when NDA is lifted, a bunch of new content information will come to light and there will be plethora of "stuff" to discuss, theorize and post about!
Once there is no NDA content creators will fill in the void
They devs are on vacation, but they are paying attention.
They liked one of my Tweets about them.
I said they need to send us some sexy vacation pics.
I ended up tossing down for Early Bird.
I just like the way these guys are doing business.
Is it possible to create a second cart (with maybe a red top) that automatically is open to all guild members?
The friending thing is nice, but when you have 50 carts running around its rough to move stuff.
Had a blast streaming Fractured the other night. Due to time constraints I couldn't really give the game the justice (or the stream time) it deserved.
I put this together to hopefully get more people hyped about it. Last few videos have been hitting 5k+ so thank you much to the Fractured Community for all that Support
Buddy of ours was vaping.
Suddenly he started to turn an odd shade of blue around the lips as cyanosis set in, luckily he was in a room full of military medics.
Get him to the hospital and his lungs were full of vapor of some shit that they couldn't believe was in the juice.
Took him about 2 years to get strong enough to be able to walk again.
Not saying not to do it, just saying be careful where you get your stuff.
...then eat them
I have four cats. That all misbehave at some point or another.
So they all have regular names (Zora, Cloud, Xeva, Abby) and then they have Chinese food names
Beef and Broccoli, Kung Pow Chicken, General Tso's Chicken, Orange Chicken.
When they misbehave I call them by their take-out name and like magic they start to behave again.
@thwunk said in Mentor system:
Although I would welcome some form of mentoring system, I would like it to extend beyond the basics of game play into wider dynamics of group/faction operation: including how to effectively use supporting mechanisms as discord: a platform I have only recently joined on finding fractured, but have yet to master. (Although I have played mmo's for a couple of years, for the most part it has only been as a solo player, or member of a pug.)
I find the best way I learn is through visual media: so perhaps as the game develops there could be a library heading, with video tutorials explaining such processes and would definitely appreciate an idiots guide about actually running a guild in earnest.
I will try doing a search through the previous posts to see if there is any mention of setting up a tutorial test area as part of future development, I.e. an area where newbies can try out and learn the basics of game play at there own pace without consequences in the real game.
Oddly that is why I do the Archeage 101 video series. I'll be doing the same for Fractured when I start.
@mrmarbod Pretty nice pets
Is it not to dangerous with your cats (especially the one with 19 ears
You almost owe me for a new keyboard.....
Must remember to not drink and browse forums
Video did pretty well all things considered, just about hit the threshold for a "successful" video based on my small channel size.
If I get even 1 person interested in the game, it was worth the time to me.
@evolgrinz said in Isn't better flag account's characters x World Choices??:
If people want to spy, there is always a way.
Get a 2nd account or maybe even pay someone to spy for you.In EVE you can have 3 characters on 1 account, you can only train skills on 1 of them a time. I actually had a 2nd character that I used to spy on other alliances. Spend some time training it, to make it look like a legit character. And it worked nice, found out where the alliance we were in war with was hiding their titan and when it was poorly defended and we destroyed it.
I think it adds nice stuff to a game, where you can never fully trust anyone.
I mean in this day and age even if the developers try to limit you to only one instance of the game on your computer at one time, it very rarely works. If you know what you are doing you can easily get around it.
There are also people with 2 even 3 gaming computers hooked up next to each other. So yeah, you have to buy a second and/or third copy of the game, but some people will go to extreme lengths to feel like they are winning.
Mine is easy, one of the company logos.
No class/build should ever be so OMGWTFBBQCHICKEN powerful that it doesn't need teammates.
So a Demon...
...and another Demon
Like anything else matters?