The Saga Continues...
3 months into the aftermath of a Fractured Continent; nothing remaines of the Kingdom barring ruins and a few difficult to find safe havens...
Marred by the loss of a majority of the population, the remaining citizens pushed forward with a mixed burden of both hope and despair.
The scattered but surviving people had only a few options. Relocate to a smaller fyrd or become "the lawless" and occupy small towns around the territory; one city, in particular, flourished in trade and education... Vinland.
Vinland started as an insignificant colony on the outskirts of a Copper Mine surrounded by an odd patch of Gold. It was an attractive option for the more novice travelers sporting all the basic necessities any adventurer or scholar would need. The most noted appeal of the city was its clover-lined entrances of which there were several that marked each of the different city streets. Here, they grew Cotton for crafting and an insignificant amount of Rice for emergency sustenance within the interior of the city. The clover around the gates was thought to offer luck and a feeling of safety to those who sought passage.
Those were the good days. Now, the people who were here are once again gone, like those that came before them, and those that follow after...
Vinland: A Travelers Guide
East Entrance - Patches of clover welcome weary travelers
South Road - More clover marks an entrance to the South
The Garden - "Work work!"
The Path - It leads to something special!
West Entrance - Marks the road heading deeper into the Sunset Peaks!