By the power of Grayskull... !
smell of fresh barbacue in the air
By the power of Grayskull... !
smell of fresh barbacue in the air
Players agreeing on stuff after long and difficult discussion.
Players cheering and drinking beer together, celebrating agreement, life is good!
Prometheus stepping in: Hi guys! All this, great stuff! But - no.
@zwiterion said in Game Idea : Relic War (PVP):
@gothix Maybe guild could have the option to set a
main god
(maybe the one of the leader of the guild) to give a flavor to the guild (like an identity). that chosen god will then affect the buff effect and temple claiming system. Soo when their is a relic war people of a guild could gather around their leader and fight for him. But player would still be free to choose their on way and god (but the individual choice of god wonβt affect the buff).
Hmm, I would avoid using the same gods then. Perhaps a system that exists alongside gods, like a series of banners, green banner, red banner, etc. that just exist for temple/relic system.
Then guilds decide what banner they follow as guild, and solo players that are outside of guilds can decide this as well. And then everyone tries to give advantage to own banner.
I guess that could also work.
@finland said in Game Idea : Relic War (PVP):
@gothix Instead keep sugesting GvG/Hardcore solution try to find a solution to let casuals and solo players join those kind activities. Cause It's what I'm trying to do.
I did, read my previous post.
@gothix said in Game Idea : Relic War (PVP):
There could be some other FFA objectives and puzzles, both PvE and PvP, or mix, that award player(s) that did them with personal buffs that have an expiration timer.
Player runs around doing his tasks, and sees a nice puzzle. Perhaps other players in area are also trying to solove it for themselves. Perhaps there will even be conflict, if they cant agree to work together.
Whoever solves a puzzle, or wins an objective gets a personal timed buff.
This, for example, fits much more in for solo style event, than that "relic thingie".
There could be some other FFA objectives and puzzles, both PvE and PvP, or mix, that award player(s) that did them with personal buffs that have an expiration timer.
Player runs around doing his tasks, and sees a nice puzzle. Perhaps other players in area are also trying to solove it for themselves. Perhaps there will even be conflict, if they cant agree to work together.
Whoever solves a puzzle, or wins an objective gets a personal timed buff.
This, for example, fits much more in for solo style event, than that "relic thingie".
@nelchael said in Game Idea : Relic War (PVP):
What @Finland is suggesting,
Shit i'm exploring the region XYZ o crap there are fighting for some shrines let's join the fight.
wouldn't work in my opinion, because the defenders would have no idea when to rally. It would be too one-sided. The attackers could spend a week planning a massive raid with fifty people, and the defenders would only have whoever happens to be in the area at the time.
The most important thing is that this would be solo based (as gods are personalized), and this just make friends play against each other, rather then with each other. OR it would force them to follow the same god to be able to play it in small teams, or with guilds.
There can be some other stuff to do that are solo based, but this "relic thing" with global buff rewards based on god just doesn't fit in (imho). It fits in more as a "guild thing".
Btw. Windows 10 is multi platform now days anyway.
There are already game consoles that come with windows 10 as their original OS, and until fractured is released I bet there will be more of them.
So you likely will not need PC to play fractured, but its highly possible that you will be able to play it on some console without any hacking stuff.
@piraticalpyro said in Will there be a release to other platforms?:
@gothix I so wouldnt even know where to start. And could a PS3 handle this game? (Not going to risk fracking my PS4)
No idea. It will depend on game requirements, and comparing those with what hardware PS3 has inside. Game is a long way from being released, So I don't know how sure we can be about it's requirements still.
@piraticalpyro said in Will there be a release to other platforms?:
So that levoe out console. Damn...
You can hack a console and install a windows on it.
(Just be aware that this could void it's warranty)
@finland said in Game Idea : Relic War (PVP):
I absolutly want something like battlegrounds that are not related to gvg but somehow are funny to play. I was just trying to suggest soemthing open world. For what I see there is no way to talk here with ya. You want X and X should be. You con0t care to give things to everyone.
Lol, how am I preventing you from being in a guild, and playing with your guild for this?
Also, if you want such (buff reward based) group content in fractured, it has to be GvG, because if random people keep forming raids and win a relic each time with different group, how in the hell you would design a system to give those particular people relic buff over time, and change it with time constantly? What if they change teams later? Would they just keep changing teams until one random team is able to give them victory?
Such system would be a huge drain on resources because it would have to track thousands of players individually, rather then just tracking particular guilds that won and apply buff to a winning guild.
You know i make suggestions not because I want to make it opposite from what you want, but because I have arguments that make sense.
@zwiterion said in Game Idea : Relic War (PVP):
@Nelchael @Finland What if we set asside guild and alignement and we go for guild or player god. Each temple could be claim in the name of a god and anyone who follow the path of this god would get the buff and have to fight for it ? this would lead to 6 factions, if i remember well.
This could be interesting, and fit nicely into Fractured lore.
However this would eliminate guilds being able to work together, as gods are player chosen and not guild chosen (each player in guild can follow a different god), and it might end up as general unorganized chaos (everyone for himself).
Or it would end up guilds forcing all members to follow the same god, which would again be bad in a different way.
@zwiterion said in Game Idea : Relic War (PVP):
Maybe, we could consider an other planet where the relic would be kept. That way everyone could go without restriction. But the buff would still apply in other world.
I think human world could be the only option for this, as it is the planet where all 3 races can remain without being kicked off.
@princecorwin said in "Capture The Flag" GvG contest in Open World:
I guess youβre right. I just wouldnβt trust any pk guild as far as I could throw them.
It's why sandbox is fun. You never know who to trust. Even "good guilds" can end up screwing you over. That's why there are social consequences and people (and guilds) building up reputation (good or bad one).
It's why I prefer sandbox over theme park. Lets players be in charge of game play (as much as possible) rather then being limited by forced game mechanics.
Problem with this is when beastmen would have it, no one could go there and take it from them due to traveling restrictions.
Even outside of safe zones, demons could stay there very short, while in opposite case, it's possible for other races to stay on demon world forever with sufficient healing / good groups (they would show up on map after a while, but never really kicked off the planet).
It wouldn't really be fair fight, unless travelling mechanics were to be changed, but I somehow doubt devs would be ready to do that.
@princecorwin said in "Capture The Flag" GvG contest in Open World:
Sounds really cool. The only issue I can find is with the ability of players not in the guild CTf being able to kill you. What would happen if a second guild teamed up on you?
@gothix said in "Capture The Flag" GvG contest in Open World:
- ALL rules of open world apply, so if someone else not belonging to competing 2 guilds kills you (interferes) and you lose CtF event because of it, that's on you, all is fair (you need to accept this is open world event now and anything can happen)
Sandbox + Open World philosophy People need to leave "theme park" mindset behind.
@Rehmius perhaps alliances could (optionally) be allowed to join in (and count as same team during matches) to allow for guilds to play on more even terms (number wise). But even that is not needed, imho.
My main thought here is that this is up to guilds to make it fair and live up to their terms (or not).
Fractured will be sandbox, so having arrangement like this, where 2 guilds playing an event for fun, and leaving it up to them to honor the terms and play fair (or not) is very sandboxie way to have it.
Thing is, since Fractured is fully open world and has no instances, then Arena would also be open world.
Think BDO arena space. Open world, just flags you differently while you are in the arena space. Fractured arena would also function like that I bet.
So, seeing that we likely will not have instanced battlegrounds (mini games), I spent some time thinking about how it would be possible to implement some of fun events in to the open world, and still stay in line with Fractured mechanics and philosophy.
One of my suggestions would be something like this:
There could of course be some tweaking of the rules, but I'm just starting from basic CtF rules, just placed in open world, with guild settlements as starting / ending points.
What do you think about this?
One special note: this might have to be planet based GvG only (2 guilds belonging to the same planets), due to traveling restrictions?
@zopek said in Is it going to be F2P, B2P or P2W?:
Find one just one publisher who use "P2W" for is own game lol.....
Allods Online.
They were pretty up front about it too. Their currency "top up" page had big text "You pay, you win!" for years there. One could have appreciated them at least being honest.