@Masochist I am not sure if that is intended, but there does need to be a system to remove inactive players or even players that are no longer contributing to the town. Plots inside do not pay tax and can be lost if the town is sieged. To allow someone to retain a house inside the town forever will eventually kill the town if people with those plots stop playing. So there has to be a balance. Maybe and eviction notice? AS of now, the plot is lost to the town forever unless the player gives it up. I am not sure what being able to delete the house but not regain the plot does for the town other than a governor being an ass, or possibly by accident? I have no idea. But for now, if that is a concern you can always grab one outside the town.

Posts made by GorethMolier
RE: Governors and City Housing Question
RE: Patch b.1.0g - Economy, PvE & PvP Balancing
@Drachenfels said in Patch b.1.0g - Economy, PvE & PvP Balancing:
in meinen Augen seid Ihr den falschen Weg gegangen. Dem Bogenschützen die einzige Chance durch den Downgrade der Jägerrüstung zu nehmen Schaden zu machen ist inakzeptabel, da es den Bogenschützen derart schwächt, dass es keinen Spaß mehr macht im PvE alleine zu spielen. Ich habe es gerade probiert und muß sagen ich kann meinen Charakter nur noch löschen.Es ist frustrierend vor zwei oder drei kleinen Skeletten davonzulaufen, um nicht zu sterben, weil der Bogenschütze nichts mehr kann ausser Gruppenspiel. Jäger war zuvor keine Imba-Klasse und konnte nicht die Ogerlager alleine farmen!!! Ihr bestraft die Jägerklasse und nicht die Verursacher-Klasse. Schaut Euch an wer und welche Klassen da die Ogerlager solo gefarmt haben und ihr werdet feststellen, dass es keine Jäger waren.Bindet doch die Jägerrüstung an den jäger-skill, dann macht auch der Name Jägerrüstung Sinn und wird nicht durch "Imba-Klassen" ausgenutzt.
Fazit: So macht es keinen Spaß!!!
Gruß Thomas
Google Translate for those who are not as fluent in German as Jacopo:
In my opinion you have gone the wrong way. The archer's only chance to take damage by downgrading the hunter's armor is unacceptable, as it weakens the archer to such an extent that it is no longer fun to play alone in PvE. I just tried it and I have to say I can only delete my character. It's frustrating to run away from two or three little skeletons to avoid dying because the archer can't do anything except group play. Hunter wasn't previously an Imba class and couldn't farm the ogre camps alone!!! You punish the hunter class and not the causer class. Look at who and which classes farmed the ogre camps solo and you'll see that they weren't hunters.If the hunter's armor is tied to the hunter's skill, then the name hunter's armor makes sense and is not exploited by "Imba classes".
RE: Sword/Axe are now a joke...
There was no reason to do anything but use plate before. So, some things were moved and some skills had reductions based on armor encumbrance. As such, some of the skills you used may indeed be better using leather. But now you need to decide if you want to protection of plate or the higher damage.
RE: Game has no audio
@JerryRin Did you check your sounds mixer in Windows? Is Fractured at 100%? You can find it by right clicking on the speaker icon in the bottom left.
RE: So, what happened to Myr?
@Xulu It's gone. It was generated with a different program, and the devs felt it didn't fit right. There are other continents promised in the future, but Myr is sadly gone for good.
RE: Game closing
@vaelun It tends to put the launcher under my other apps. Did you make sure it's not minimized or under another app?
RE: A wizard is never late...
@Gankdalf No.. I distinctly remember looking at the time clock. I guess we'll have to dock you pay again <shakes head> wizards.
RE: City hall rubberband dance
I watched this happen. However, it never happened to me. The difference seems to be latency. Higher latency (starts at about 80ms) seems to be directly related to rubberbanding.
RE: Provide incentives for pvp players to go neutral instead of going red
Some of this population difference is because the non-PvP people do not like being ganked, so they go to Terra. There is no downside for humans to got to Terra, so they go there to farm gold and KP. Hence you get a downturn in Aehren. There needs to be a way to encourage PvP without resorting to ganking the gatherers, otherwise all you get are PvP people on Aerhen and the world dies as there is no one to gather and maintain cities.
RE: Paying gold to craft in our own workshops is not enjoyable.
@Esoba I think there are plans for larger plots outside cities, but a second plot is probably not going to happen. That being said, there has been many requests to be able to move your plot. I don't know the status of that, but I doubt you will get a second plot.
RE: Launch Review & Roadmap
@Abats I don't know if you will ever see quests outside the tutorial. The sandbox model means players need to make it work between themselves. That being said, it could probably use some more quality of live changes like the mouse button option. I just don't think they are a priority atm.
RE: My Game Loop
@Wargfoot I don't think there is any intention of changing that. One of the concepts presented early on was the ability to work markets, so it will probably stay as core part of game.
RE: Patch notes
Those are channeling spells. As long as you have a channeling weapon you can cast spells if you meet the weapon/armor requirements.
RE: Unable to remove AFK Citizens Plot
At this time you cannot take it back unless the player gives up the plot.
RE: If you are a Citizen of The Shire on Terra
@DarthJafo The reason some crafting stations are trusted citizen only is that they have storage. In early testing people would run up and steal things from the tables while you were working on it, if they were left public. Since you can create your own personal versions on your plot, it hasn't been a high priority to make a fix.
RE: game crashes a lot
@Lostine What type of video card and processor do you have?
RE: how do i get game key? (i backed Kickstarter but never got any key)
You won't get a steam key. You should be able to log in using the launcher. If you had not migrated from Glyph earlier you may need to talk to support.