кто вернулся Оо))))
Hello my friend o/ not right know I back just to say hello to my guild mate and check why they did not erased the post I wanted to delete 1 month ago.
кто вернулся Оо))))
Hello my friend o/ not right know I back just to say hello to my guild mate and check why they did not erased the post I wanted to delete 1 month ago.
@sunlion chiedeva di Albion
@ganesha gankbox. o fai gank con successo oppure è più il tempo che perdi a farti il gear che quello a fare altro.
@prometheus In the most common cases people pledge to play soon as possible so I think the alpha1 reward is too high priced for this kind of "shopper". This is double-edge because you get more money but also more players that just care to play rather than provide a real feedback. Lowering the access could make it more appetizing.
What's keeping you from pledging or upgrading your pledge? Or maybe you don't feel trustful enough yet and prefer to wait for testing to be running?
I'm glad that my new CC is arrived so late (this afternoon). My intention was to pledge the early-bird IMMORTAL bundle mostly for the access to the:
Higer tiers are appetizing but I'm not up to burn more than 300€ for a game. Anyway after what happend on Discord few days ago, the no-sense ban, and the discussions on the forum this morning I decided to wait before pledge. Why do I want to wait? It's easy. To see how the community grows. I'm not up to join a non-friendly place neither start a guild in a game where my g-mates may feel bad due other players. Unluckly/Luckly I had bad experience with Albion Online so I do not want fail here again. The game looks promising but may not going like I would like, plus the community could be bad. Well this make the game less appetizing to my eyes. I'll stay around to see how the things goes prolly till Beta 1-2 before decide to invest money. Testing games is not like play, it's something to improve a game you would like to play, to make it better. Most of the people now just want an early access to play something and maybe drop it after few hours. That's not testing. I really do not care to have the perfect game with a bad community so at the moment the biggest worries are about the community. I moslty look for a social/friendly place where spend time when I get back from work so prolly sandbox communities are not for me. I lived on WoW for over 11 years since vanilla and I have never seen problems like in EvE, Albion or here. I apologize for my English and I wish you all the best with your KS campaign.
@kibit considerando l'andazzo della community aspetterò la beta 2 per capire se farà schifo come quella di Albion.
@vicious your can try to destry the guild before we start to play but we are not going to give up. We may lose people trusting you more than me but hey it up to people to trust what they want. Anyway your nick name says all ;).
Have a nice day people.
PS.Whe they will confirm that I havent 70alts I hope that will ban you and your guild ;). Pissed off really.
Want me to kick them? PM the list and I will kick them. After it will you be happy or you and your mates will keep baiting me on everything? Are you mad cause you are the n1 scammer of Albion?
I will see once the game starts. Anyway people like you remebered me why I hacked people on Silk Road
Some sucky kid is crying out too much as I see. I really doubt that someone have time to make 80 accounts neither 20. It may feel toxic and point less to me and maybe to my guild mates. You and you friends have nothing to do than try out to bait me here since I got banned from Discord? Thingslike this make me lose intrest the game. I'm fucking bored of you Mr Scammer and your bounch of slaves.
@tomei93 Alpha1 presente!
Droppo alla grande. Ci si becca in qualche altro gioco senza bambini ritardati
@pepix non c'èmodo di bypassare niente non è Albion. Le regole ci sono su syndesia e su Arboreus. Arboreus ha molte zone safe end game, non puoi fare siege o conquistare i villaggi di gilda. In entrambi i pianeti se uccidi o looti qualcuno vieni flaggato. Se sei flaggato vieni triggerato come malvagio di conseguenza tutti ti possono uccidere e lootare senza malus. Su tartaros èFFA stile black zone di Albion. Nessuna regola tutto è permesso.
@nines they said that angles will get new skin, new racials and new attribute mods.
@hamberglar welcome aboard new friend which package did you get?
Any news about the guild management? May I lock one or do I need to lock 3 (one for each planet)?
@basileus Yeah I failed there I mean that can not be stolen on arboreus. On syndesya and tartaros can be stolen. Anyway there's no way to destroy the city.
@humerus Tartaros is FFA so a planet like AO black zone. Everything is allowed there.
@basileus you are missing the fact that cash shop item are just like skins fro mobas. Can not be stolen or destryed. Said so if you lose your guild settlement you can start a new one an put your cosmetic things again. Anyway remeber that a guild settlement can not be destryed but just the defences.