@dasher it's hard to say which one is the coolest, it's a personal opinion. I suggest to searh the guild that suits better for your purpose. If you like just FFA/Ganking you may look for a demon guild. If you are looking just for crafting/trade you may look for a merchant guild. If you mind to be paid for jobs you may look for a mercenarie guild. Otherwise you can look for guilds like mine that are up for "abit everything". Guild rules may be restricted on races or alignements so I suggest you to read all their descriptions.
Here you can find the description of our guild: https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1116/black-bull-international-good-alignments-redeemed-recruiting-open-no-race-restrinction
Here you can see the leaderboard: https://fracturedmmo.com/the-foundation/leaderboard/