Hi, people can check this video about it...
Some logs disappear under groud when we cut them
Thanks in advance
Hi, people can check this video about it...
Some logs disappear under groud when we cut them
Thanks in advance
So, mob follow me to a house near the goblin area , a goblin fighter but it seems when I was resting, mobs enters in the house and starts moving back when he stops inside the house (he just turned is body to move away, run back) and them he just stopped there.
Even when shooting at him he does nothing, not even the fast recover...
So not sure if the bug occurs when he moved back inside a house or because I was resting in the fire place when he done it
Have a good game
I did use a small plastic piece that I put between the mouse buttons to make sure the left one was always being pressed.
I could even chat and move mouse to... so for trading was excellent
@Prometheus , people have been asking questions about individuals... How about city's/guilds ?
I mean can a city have different types of alignments players ? How about a guild ?
How will that work in terms of bounty hunting ? Can a player from the same city/guild arrest another from is city/guild ?
Or, city's/guild's will have to decide to be good or evil ?
How will all this affect the party system ? I mean if good players cannot be on party with evil ones but if city/guild players can be in party with each other, what will the priority's be ?
@boogis ohh, guess I miss understood your question first...
@Prometheus so, why not having a formula to set the jail time ?
something like for each gold worth of stolen good = 1 minutes jail time
so if people stole (lets say) a full copper ore cart and if the average (so game will retrieve this value from all copper active sell(at least a full cart must be selling at that moment) markets) price of the copper is 50g so 50g(each copper)*30(copper ore) = 1500g (total stolen good) = 1500 minutes jail time = 25h (I guess this would be allot, but you get the point).
A formula that will compare the active sell market prices and set the jail price according the total gold stolen.
@boogis our alignment will not change by killing mobs, so I am unsure what you saying about the gold.
You speaking about raising the head cost price with out knowing the actual base price... why ?
@Ostaff You missing the point... we can attack yes, but if he moves away allot we wont be able to retrieve the cart. A cart that was stolen...
I guess I did not explain very well that part...
My main question is, can we retrieve the cart for the player yo give it back to him (the good player that had the cart first, the real owner of it) ?
@Prometheus so imagine a evil player (lets call her Harley, heheheh) steals a cart from from a good player. Can I has a good player do something to help the good player from retrieving is cart ?
Lets imagine he stole the cart and I was near, can i give any sort of assistance ?
In this particular case, the evil player does not have any bounty on him...
Thanks in advance
wow my name is there... wow...
congrat to all winners and thanks
I guess we should be able to gather all that once...
@Kralith Has a vice-governor in my city I am not even able to build one Milling Stone as well...
Not sure if that is intentional but it should not be...
Thanks in advance
So I am not able to access to any Fleshing Beam (whether I build it or not)..
It shows always only 2 options... Move it and to Trash it.
Note... I am a Vice-Governor in the city...
Thanks in advance
So was killing some Goblins at the Hill Goblins Camp and noted that some goblins the hp was not increasing when they stop the aggro. Noted that as well that it took some time for is hp to grow again, even after aggro stop long ago...
Thanks in advance
Maybe it was not yet ready, but almost and it round up to 100%
With out knowing the calculations Fraction use it's not possible to know for sure.
Have fun
It seems that when I hit the stags while they are with the eating animation playing they wont run, even after animation is end.
Thanks in advance
So, at the coordinates 763W 669N (top right corner of the stairs) we can move to 763W 667N(right side "Garden")... however when trying to move back again to the top corner of stairs we cannot and people will be stuck.
Thanks in advance
The link you provided is about the same indeed, however I do not see a version fix for it.
Does this means it's not a bug but intended ???
Prometheus would like (if/when possible a reply)
Thanks in advance
So, i was traying to place a big chests in the interior south side wall on my house, however it's very hard to find a spot when we are near the chest. I am having hard time to build it, need to steep away further to tag it and place the log's to build. I assume the same thing will happen once chest is build when trying to use it.
Thanks in advance
If you hold down the right mouse button to call/use the Staff Bolt abilitie and if while doing it you press some other's abilities (like Firebolt, EarthQuake, etc) you will make some of this abilities to stop the action/animation causing some minor bug's.
This are some of the ones I could see it and be sure of it (about being a bug).
However a common bug is being cause on all of the abilities, once they are triggered (if they are, cause sometimes skill is not triggered, guess it might have something to do with the action being canceled). On all of them the cooldown timer will not show.
Hope i did explain my self well... Thanks in advance