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Posts made by Eurav
RE: is there any access right now?
Good luck on your search!
I am currently occupying my time with Frostpunk and Satisfactory, while I am waiting for Wolcen. Maybe one of those games could be up your alley
RE: is there any access right now?
You won´t be able to play right now.
You need to wait for the next test, which is planned for end of feb / beginning of march. This can of course still change
RE: MMORPG with MOBA movement is an issue?
@Shivashanti said in MMORPG with MOBA movement is an issue?:
Well with wasd movement you would have a clear advantage over mouse to move users. I don't think to have both is a good idea, so it has to be wasd only or mouse only. I personnaly would prefer mouse only
How do you have an advantage as a wasd user?
RE: Plot Me System?
@AfloatNeptune said in Plot Me System?:
I am sure that everyone who reads these forums has played one of the tests, and have experienced the issues with finding a place to build their house.
I have played in almost every test, but have not faced the issue with not finding a plot
As this issue only is present because of the open test, of which there probably won´t be any more coming soon?, I don´t think anything needs to be done.
For possible upcoming open tests, or other big player increases like beta 2 and 1 I would guess additional continents / planets or the town system will be implemented by then, so that problem should not appear again.
In case the problem does arise, your idea sounds great!
RE: MMORPG with MOBA movement is an issue?
I have not had any issues so far. I would also say this does not add any additional strain? If you have a free cam you kinda have to always move your camera after all? If this is a problem, how are people playing ARPGs or MOBAs for hours?
I played some Lost Ark between some tests (a MMORPG with top down cam) and after coming back i somehow felt one problem with it in Fractured... running "south" you can see a lot less than running "north", compared to Lost Ark this somehow seemes to be "a bigger problem" in Fractured. Might just be me
As someone who came from a free cam only MMORPG backround, I actually like the top down more now
RE: How will loot drop work?
@Yitra said in How will loot drop work?:
In PvE mobs only do knock-out, not full death to you. So there everything is safe
Some mobs can fully kill you, so you can lose your stuff in PvE.
I think they also talked about... when you die your stuff will be on the ground for a bit, so you can go back and pick it up, or other people can pick it up and face the consequences of that
RE: can the forum be the main source of game knowledge and not discord?
@grofire Now, I have not been following Fractrued since Kickstarter, but from my standpoint apart from a (or multiple) discussion Thread(s) about FF, I never though something like FF to be a "core feature" of Fractured, nor did I ever think there was an official take on it being on everywhere every time?. That said, even if it was, changes to the game are to be expected.
Is not this how it still is, or did I miss something?...
RE: Wie seid ihr auf das Spiel gestoßen?
@Kralith said in Wie seid ihr auf das Spiel gestoßen?:
Wer braucht schon Insta?
Wer braucht schon das Internet
Habs zufällig in nem "Top upcoming MMORPG" youtube video gesehen, und hab mir 1 - 2 Tage danach direkt nen Pledge Pack gegönnt
RE: The New Fractured Trailer Is Awesome!
@Kralith Does not really have that much to do with age I think. I know a lot of people (around my age) who, including me, are not on any social media, or have never been.
Would really appreciate them showing everything in the website / forums well