There's a small typo near the end of the article:
Yes, we’ve haven’t just added
is redundant.
There's a small typo near the end of the article:
Yes, we’ve haven’t just added
is redundant.
Witamy, witamy.
..czy postać na Twoim obrazku profilowym ma duże nożyczki na plecach?
Zaraz, zaraz...
Chciałbym podziękować użytkownikowi Foxs z portalu mmorpg org pl za zwrócenie uwagi na tę produkcję
Widzę że nie tylko mnie zaciekawił.
Czy on Was zaciekawił tym postem?
Cóż, każda zazwyczaj się zapowiada zacnie ale w której to gierce MMO jeszcze przed startem gry oficjalnie możemy klepać levelki? Taaak właśnie, klepanie levelków już tam jest pomimo, że gry jeszcze nie ma.
Za różne aktywności np. na forum dostajemy expa, za każde 200 expa mamy level, co każde 5 leveli dostajemy różne fanty do odebrania w dniu premiery gry czyli np. jakieś customicy, tytuły, mounty, skórki itp itd.
Trochę ironiczne, biorąc pod uwagę to, że Fractured reklamuje się jako MMO bez grindu...
@reijo said in Witam wszystkich zgromadzonych!:
Siemka czekam z niecierpliwością :3
@sqter said in Witam wszystkich zgromadzonych!:
I ja witam
Panie, panowie, ostrożnie z tą nekromancją. (Ostatni post ma 3 miesiące.)
Dzięki wielkie za informację, sorry za tak późną odpowiedź ale jakoś tak prawie całkiem zapomniałem o grze, żadnych newsletterów na maila nowych nie było, widać sie hardo zabrali za robote
Przez pierwsze dwa tygodnie sierpnia praktycznie wszyscy mieli wolne, więc mogliby wycisnąć najwyżej 3 tygodnie roboty. W niektórych rejonach Hiszpanii rok szkolny zaczyna się dziś lub w przyszłą środę, więc mogą być trochę rozkojarzeni życiem poza pracą.
Pre-alfa zaczyna się w październiku (zaznaczają, że to optymistyczny termin), więc pewnie wrzesień również będzie cichym miesiącem.
@cuddleheart said in Hi :
it looks to have all the features I've wanted in an MMO
But does it have anything that you're not horribly enthusiastic about, or something that you think you're going to dislike?
@needlehawk said in FibS's big dumb semi-curated NOT official "I want this kind of Beastman!" topic:
So, this might be in the far future, but if they ever put in islands on the map, it would be very cool to have a "selkie" beastman that could turn into a seal, and be the only one that could make their way to the islands. The islands might have harvestables found nowhere else, so they would have a monopoly on those.
That would be the good thing. The bad thing would be that selkies would have no other advantages, so they would be the worst beastman in battle. In other words, this race would be for someone who primarily wants to spend their time exploring and gathering, and participates in battle (both PVE and PVP) as little as possible.
That's a very interesting idea, especially since I don't recall any MMO where you could trade combat ability for exploration powers.
@dordolio said in Do you have any Fractured-related discussion topic that you want to discuss but don't have the energy to write the thread, and you feel kinda bad about it?:
direction? 3 posts?
No, no, they have a point - on a 2D plane, you only need 2 points to establish a line.
Wait, what's the pencil (next to 666) in the picture for?
@spystranger said in First-Person Perspective:
The combat would be a lot more realistic and since Fractured seems to include a lot of adventuring, it would be cooler to look across landscapes and regions to really take in the beauty of the worlds.
The problem here is that you can't easily change a game with an isometric perspective into one with First/Third Person Perspective. There are numerous differences between the two which make going from isometric to FPP a huge step up in cost.
...I'm a terrible writer, but you get the gist, yes? It would be
, therefore the game would either require a much higher budget, and/or would have much smaller scope, and/or would make people say "hey, 2008 called and they want their graphics back".@fibs said in What you think about vaping?:
@evolgrinz said in What you think about vaping?:
Vape Steam? Sure, if you want to burn your lungs and airways. You know Steam is at least 100°C right?
[...] You're using the stricter sense of "steam" which arbitrarily requires the water to be above boiling temperature, as opposed to the commonly understood definition as any form of water droplets or vapor suspended in air (which does not need to be anywhere near boiling temperature.)
I think the word we're looking for here is "vapour".
@jahlon said in What you think about vaping?:
Buddy of ours was vaping.
Suddenly he started to turn an odd shade of blue around the lips as cyanosis set in, luckily he was in a room full of military medics.
Get him to the hospital and his lungs were full of vapor of some shit that they couldn't believe was in the juice.
Took him about 2 years to get strong enough to be able to walk again.
Not saying not to do it, just saying be careful where you get your stuff.
On the one hand, it sounds like an urban legend. On the other hand, I can totally see this happening.
Did your buddy tried to take a legal action against the e-cig's manufacturer and/or e-liquid producer? I mean, this definitely is grievous harm to the body.
@fibs said in What you think about vaping?:
However, because of its perceived relative safety, it's reignited the "it's kool to do it" nonsense among children and immature adults that tobacco smoking originally did, and that's just stupid.
@evolgrinz said in What you think about vaping?:
It's just a conspiracy to give a "healthy" alternative for smokers.
But long term effects of vaping has yet to be researched.In my opinion, it's just as bad. You are still breathing in stuff that is not supposed to be in your lungs.
@francorider said in What you think about vaping?:
Mostly annoying, in my experience. Smokers usually at least leave the room before they smoke, vapers pull the "It's healthy" card and blow it into your face until you threaten physical violence.
@dordolio said in What you think about vaping?:
I don't think about it. it stinks. it smells different then cigarettes or pipes or cigars. it even smells worse with all the stinky smelly weird …. yuk.
Did... did I just find an echo-chamber that echoes my opinion on vaping? I- I am so happy right now. T_T
Okay, but seriously, I'd kind of prefer if people vaped instead of smoking, because the smell of burnt tobacco:
But unfortunately, despite most establishment updating their anti-smoking policy to forbid vaping, a lot of vapers (including LITERAL CHILDREN) in Poland still think it's totally okay to inhale their mist-based (ie. easily absorbed?), addictive, psychoactive, legal drugs in closed spaces where there are other people, and that's even worse.
Hopefully they will make something with better story than the last time.
an mmo that allows the players to chose pve or pvp for themselves
Wait, I thought ability to choose PvE or PvP was a standard feature at this point? Is it not?
I mean, I've heard about how Black Desert Online makes PvP mandatory as you level up, but I thought it was an outlier, not the norm.
Dobry wieczór.
Tak - szczerze mówiąc, jestem trochę zaskoczony, że Dynamight ma już założone polskie pod-forum. Zastanawiam się, czy już jacyś polscy fani ich naciskali, czy raczej bazują to na jakiś statystykach.
and being able to jump straight in with friends works pretty well for me as a streamer. Means I can play this game with my viewers and make it a regular community night!
You know, I have never thought about how MMOs with horizontal progression are a good fit for streamers with strong fan communities. It makes quite a lot of sense in retrospect.
@fibs said in Other upcoming MMOs?:
I've written a Tumblr post about it here.
Hey, when I click on your link, it directs me to tumblr's signup page. I mean, I was browsing tumblr in the morning, so it's not like they suddenly changed their site to be walled off by sign--- Oh wait Orteil42's blog redirects to signup page too.
Random fanart links? Signup. Artist blogs? Signup. Tumblr dot com? Signup.
What is going on?
@fibs said in Other upcoming MMOs?:
I was going to post it on the forums but you need to spend $2.50 for the right to post links (another naive decision on their part.)
Wasn't Chronicles of Elyria planning to be basically a modern coin-operated game, anyway? I'm not sure if I read one of the dev posts wrong, but weren't their business model basically "you pay a fee for each and every character, and they die after set amount of time (or sooner, if you get beat up too much)"?