Copy from other thread to main thread.
General Question, I know the game is still in development, I've been following a lot of Sandbox Games, and have some questions in regards to backing this game.
1.) The question is what are the rules on (Real Money Trading.), or Rather Giving away Resources, Items, or Currency to others users, friends, or guilds. (Not talking about China Farmers, or Botting / Automation Hacks of any type.)
Generally asking will a person get banned for trading, giving away items, or receiving items, Without anything of Equal Value in return?
I know this is kinda stupid to ask and i've been gaming 20+ Years, but out of every Sandbox MMORPG I've played I ran into Albion Online like 4 years ago, backed the game for 3 years, and got banned in 2017 just for accepting an investment from a group of friends in game trading, and they kinda have this stupid rule that says if you don't trade anything of Equal Value, they will assume you paid Real Money, and ban your account, which really disgusts me that CSR acts like Dictators, and censorship people complaining even though they admit that "Evidence" was reviewed, but may not have been accurate in a (CSR) ticket, but that game was made in G******.
So far this game does look like it could be a better Albion for sure, and it's developed in Italy? Can't really say i've played a game from over there before, so I am not really familiar with the Rules of games from other countries, usually most I play are from U.S, or other European Region like "Black Desert".
Edit: I read the "Fractured Games "Terms OF Service" I don't see anything in there that actually restricts "Real Money Trading" or says I can't give away items, but would like to know for sure before buying a kickstarter pack, or recommending this game in the big community discord groups what the stance is on trading policy with the company, and it would suck to lose a founders pack again.