What Albion Online did wrong in my eyes (Alpha Player Since 2013) before keys went on sale.
- Banned innocent people for (RMT) / (illegal gold trading) never actually gave any warnings or proved anything.
- Tried to make the game based around multiple platforms rather than focus on (PC Only) and better graphics / Character Models & Costumes.
- There is no solo PVP because its alaways gank / zerg fest everywhere you go.
- Allow certain guilds such as (The Bank OF Albion) to violate their own (EULA / Trading Rules) Basically the guild controls the entire game economy through many alts and stuff such as what happened in Fort Sterling before when one person owned all the land / property, they charge insane tax rates to the players crafting.
- Random DDOS & D-Sync issues.
- Developers who blame the players for their own mistakes and threaten bans, laborer journals.
- Having a Central Market, with no safe way to trade IMO is bad for the economy just drives up prices, and whales while the only safe way to transport is a command mammoth.
Over-All I hope to see this game better than Albion in many aspects, and not follow the same mistakes i've listed above as well as things like
- Solo PVP Battle Royales
- Team Based PVP
- Sieges of different types.