WoW Classic is coming
@Gothix Are you looking forward to actually quest to find your demons?
I'm mostly enjoying to beginning.
Huge number of people rush the lands, still no high levels, so no gankers, just a lots and lots of low level open world PvP (of course alongside questing / leveling). It's why I'm rolling PvP server.
@LilCassiopeia said in WoW Classic is coming:
I would like to play a mage on horde fraction. Any advice regarding races?
Here is one opinnion:
I'll be on there! Alliance all the way
@Tuoni thx for the video helps to understand the race mechanics.
Hmm since I will head to PvE only server it will not be that crowded.
is it gonna be a subscription thing or buy to play? i might be interested if it is buy to play...
@Tuoni said in WoW Classic is coming:
@LilCassiopeia What I have understood, that there will be minor graphic changes, but the general feel is the same. I think at least they have made some improvements for character models. Some of those were almost unplayable back then..
I am not so worry about the current retail playerbase, sure they will be crying a lot, but in other hand those people will also quit quite fast.
You can create characters in advance now. It's the old character graphics from what I could see. Or at least the hair on my Tauren looked as crap as it used to. Hair was my personal bugbear with the old models. Some of the races look alright but not Tauren and Troll hair. A troll can be bald but a every Tauren has the same head/neck hair that consists of intersecting flat textures. Like how the old trees look. Which is another thing that I didn't like.
The technology just wasn't there to create realistic trees/hair at the time. Amongst plenty of other things but trees/hair in particular bothered me more than the rest for some reason.
@Psymantis Mainly yes, but with few changes. I guess we are not going to see this for example:
@Dariusacmar said in WoW Classic is coming:
The amusing thing is, Vanilla wow, or "WoW classic", was exceptionally difficult. Mostly because of the content, but also because of the lack of mounts till high levels, exceptional difficulty getting any sort of large amounts of money unless you were a professional farmer and the required 40 man raids, which actually required virtually every man of that 40 to perform at their best to beat. It was only later, after WotLK came out, that WoW became the pansied down version it proceeded to be after that. So no, not interested at's not like they'd actually release it in it's former/original difficulty, which was why WoW was worth playing up till WotLK.
It was never difficult apart from endgame raids. Whoever says that never player a MMORPG that is difficult.
@Tuoni said in WoW Classic is coming:
WoW Classic is launcing 27 of August 2019. Who is interested to test that out? If you are, what are your expectations? What kind of plans you have?
People are delusional. They think that they'd have the same immersive experience, which is not gonna happen. Vanilla is figured out, FotM builds for every patch are out there, location of every weed to gather is known, strategy for every boss is known, etc. All of this flavored with dozens of addons for retards which tell you where and what to cast, where to go to do your quest, when to evade attacks, etc. Everything bound to gearscore DPS/HPS meters. The exploration element is dead, "Guilds of friends" are dead, "epic adventures and funny stories" are dead. There is nothing to do but chain questing to 60 with quest helper -> raiding with a million addons for retards.
Even more, before WoW was like an extension of WC3 story, now it's in the past, and people treated the game as a game, not as a competition of who gets to 60 faster than others.
It's just a ruse and an attempt of a company, which once made good games, to make people buy their game twice. Same with WC3 remaster everyone is pissing their pants about.
@DCCCXIX said in WoW Classic is coming:
@Tuoni said in WoW Classic is coming:
WoW Classic is launcing 27 of August 2019. Who is interested to test that out? If you are, what are your expectations? What kind of plans you have?
People are delusional. They think that they'd have the same immersive experience, which is not gonna happen. Vanilla is figured out, FotM builds for every patch are out there, location of every weed to gather is known, strategy for every boss is known, etc. All of this flavored with dozens of addons for retards which tell you where and what to cast, where to go to do your quest, when to evade attacks, etc. Everything bound to gearscore DPS/HPS meters. The exploration element is dead, "Guilds of friends" are dead, "epic adventures and funny stories" are dead. There is nothing to do but chain questing to 60 with quest helper -> raiding with a million addons for retards.
Even more, before WoW was like an extension of WC3 story, now it's in the past, and people treated the game as a game, not as a competition of who gets to 60 faster than others.
It's just a ruse and an attempt of a company, which once made good games, to make people buy their game twice. Same with WC3 remaster everyone is pissing their pants about.
Vanilla private servers have been extremely popular for years, so only those players will be the foundation for classic. On top of that we have a huge amount of players who have not played WoW in years or who have never played Vanilla before. So it is not just nostalgia trip for all. Classic will be a success for sure, even some people are not so interested this time travel. I am not sure how long I will personally stick with Classic and clearly you are against it, still imo Classic will save Blizzard and will have huge impact for future expansion and direction of WoW.
@Tuoni atlest we can hope for it.
Vanilla wow's best plus was the atmosphere the community created, it will be a fake time travel.
But atleast PvE enthusiasts should try oldschool Naxx.
@DCCCXIX honestly I personally don't really care. The main difference for me is that every aspect of the current game is so unpersonal. Crossrealm dungeons and raids have realy destroyed the game for me. Nobody is realy talking in the chat anymore the current game is pretty much dead.
In Vanilla you have to communicate to create a group to go to dungeons.....I don't want to start with organizing 40 ppl raids. People have to get themselves together. If you are verbally abuse ppl and leaving the groups you are an outcast on the sever. So for me this a big diffference maker in how to play/approach the game.
Also to name a few things which I realy miss:Bigger talent tree for creating hybrid classes again
Different levels of one spell which makes healing for me far more interesting
Manamanagement 5 sec rule old time thing
Actually seeing people in the open world more often
No Achievements
Seperate auction house (Booty Bay welcome back!)Just to name a few
@DCCCXIX said in WoW Classic is coming:
@Tuoni atlest we can hope for it.
Vanilla wow's best plus was the atmosphere the community created, it will be a fake time travel.
But atleast PvE enthusiasts should try oldschool Naxx.You are right, the experience won't be the same, not even close. All the guides, videos, Addons, private servers and of course already played content will take care of that. I wish people understand this and they do not have too high hopes and expectations.
I am actually very keen to find out what will be the player distribution between Classic and Retail, after the first weeks rush spike ofc...
About choosing your race:
If you are NOT a min-maxer then it doesn't matter, because you will likely more enjoy your game play if you simply chose the race based on your aesthetic affinities.
If you ARE a min-maxer then there is a lot more to consider then simply looking at racials...
For start, every race has different base attributes, and different attributes benefit certain classes more (table below):
Of course you will also look at your racials, but you should consider skill bonuses WAY more important then actual racial spells (that most people prioritize). Examples are Trolls +5 to bows or human +5 to swords/maces.
This is important in the endgame, when your weapon skill determines how often you will miss (important for fighting raid bosses), and +5 from your racial can mean that instead of 2-3 items of your gear with "+hit" on it, you can equip items with crit (or something else) instead that can then increase your raid DPS or tanking effectiveness (observe table below):
For example, as an orc hunter (300 bow skill) you need 9% hit on your gear to be hit capped (to get maximum DPS, and so that your tranq shots do not miss) while troll hunter with a bow will have 305 (due to racial bonus) and only need 6% hit to be capped. That means he will be able to have 3 gear items with crit more than an orc hunter, while still being hit capped.
This is valid for other classes, and other weapons as well.
There are also other factors to consider, some examples are Taurens bigger hit box window, or Gnomes low height preventing them being targeted by damage (but also healed) due to LOS issues, at same spots where higher races would not have this issue.
As a min-maxer there is LOT more to consider then simply looking at racials, so for a good answer at what race is best for you you should actually do some decent research yourself, and not trust most answers given to you on web by noobs (that think they are smart) who only look at part of this factors (hell, most of them are looking racial skills only)...
Hope this helped.
@Gothix thx for the Info! I was looking for the weapon miss overview so this helps.
@LilCassiopeia said in WoW Classic is coming:
The main difference for me is that every aspect of the current game is so unpersonal. Crossrealm dungeons and raids have realy destroyed the game for me. Nobody is realy talking in the chat anymore the current game is pretty much dead. In Vanilla you have to communicate to create a group to go to dungeons.....I don't want to start with organizing 40 ppl raids. People have to get themselves together. If you are verbally abuse ppl and leaving the groups you are an outcast on the sever. So for me this a big diffference maker in how to play/approach the game.
Even this is true, it will not always be "a dancing on rose pedals" kind of thing what it comes for organizing dungeon groups. Usually in guilds everything goes smoothly, but with pugs it can be quite nightmarish time to time and can really waste your limited playtime. However, I have also bored with the current mentality where people just rushes through the dungeons, pulling everything for AoE and in worst scenarios leave the group after one wipe or mistake. I want to see more commitment and more friendly approach in Classic.
Bigger talent tree for creating hybrid classes again
Oh yeah, the old talent tree is way better system than what we have seen since MoP. I am actually surprised that Blizz has stick with that shit now four expansions row. I also liked that updated version of talent tree in Cata, where some totally useless talents where removed and that max 5 points was decreased to 3. However, I do not remember if there where some downsides as well...
anyone else absolutely absorbed by WoW classic now?