WoW Classic is coming


    WoW Classic is launcing 27 of August 2019. Who is interested to test that out? If you are, what are your expectations? What kind of plans you have?

    I am a former WoW player and I played almost 6 years from beginning of WotLK till end of MoP. I played at least as a semi hardcore, but I am going to take more casual approach for Classic and just enjoy the journey. I have ran through all the old content afterwards, but I am interested to experience that in the right time.

    My main character was Death Knight almost the whole time, but now when that is not available, I have to choose something else. I had also several max level alts; Rogue, Druid, Mage, Priest and Warlock from where to choose my new main. At the moment I feel like I am going with a Tauren Druid. Simply because I can not decide, do I want to dps, tank or heal. With Druid I just leave all options open, even I know Druid does not shine in end game PvE raids when compered to other classes. However, Druids are great levelers and good in PvP, so those are huge benefits in Classic for sure.

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    Pretty much zero interest. When WoW was becoming 'a thing' back in the day I was on the EQ and EQ2 side of the fence, having got my start in UO. We kinda looked at WoW as being a bit naff. I moved on to SWG after EQ2. WoW just never got a look in back then, so won't be getting a look in now. It just never interested me in the slightest.


    The amusing thing is, Vanilla wow, or "WoW classic", was exceptionally difficult. Mostly because of the content, but also because of the lack of mounts till high levels, exceptional difficulty getting any sort of large amounts of money unless you were a professional farmer and the required 40 man raids, which actually required virtually every man of that 40 to perform at their best to beat. It was only later, after WotLK came out, that WoW became the pansied down version it proceeded to be after that. So no, not interested at's not like they'd actually release it in it's former/original difficulty, which was why WoW was worth playing up till WotLK.


    That's one popular mmo I never tried. I didn't like the colorful kid style graphics lol.


    For some reason, I've never tried WoW, or ever been interested. I think it's just not sandboxy enough. 🙂


    @Dariusacmar Actually that difficulty and lack of money is few things why I am interested to test out Classic. On top of that I like how the professions really matters, and are crucial part of the game what it comes for gearing and money making.


    @Roccandil said in WoW Classic is coming:

    For some reason, I've never tried WoW, or ever been interested. I think it's just not sandboxy enough. 🙂

    I started my MMORPG journey with Runescape and I continued after that to WoW. I played a lot of Warcraft 1, 2, 3 RTS games so it was quite expected that I was going for WoW at some point.

    I have always played themepark and sandbox games quite equally, but nowadays I prefer more sandbox games too.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL


    At the moment I feel like I am going with a Tauren Druid.

    If you're planning to be casual, but also still want to be included/useful during any form of group content, I'd strongly recommend against druid. Unlike in actual vanilla, feral will be pretty decent DPS between BWL-the end of AQ, but only if they grind out rank 13 because of the 1.12.1 itemization, which is kinda insane for ferals.

    If you go really hard and bring mana flasks, farm the gnomer weaponx10 per raid, and generally put in x10 more effort than everybody else you can also do well in MC content, but you'll still never do better than say a warrior/rogue putting in half the effort. As a casual this is unrealistic, though. After AQ nothing would be enough for feral to keep up.

    Boomkins will always be undesirable everywhere, and in such gearing one as a casual will be basically impossible. FC druids are also extremely desirable if they're good, but if you're casual I doubt you'll desired by any relevant BG teams, so it pretty much just leaves you as resto -which can do some insane healing, but only really in T3 content, since they need the gear to really be able to function.

    @Dariusacmar said in WoW Classic is coming:

    The amusing thing is, Vanilla wow, or "WoW classic", was exceptionally difficult. Mostly because of the content, but also because of the lack of mounts till high levels, exceptional difficulty getting any sort of large amounts of money unless you were a professional farmer and the required 40 man raids, which actually required virtually every man of that 40 to perform at their best to beat.

    I've done some mythic raiding in mop/legion, and I gotta say it's easiest bosses are several orders of magnitude harder than the hardest vanilla content. Even on the nost core, which it would turn out is basically hard mode due to some of the formulas being wrong.

    My guild only raided 8 hours a week, was half full of undergeared backpeddlers and it only took us 3-4 weeks of progression to dumpster KT, even though we were still doing AQ/Ony/BWL up to chromagg during raid time for the first two weeks, and baron/garr the whole time. TFW no TF

    Plus, half or more of the people didn't really run any consumables, other than resistance potions on fights where they were applicable, and even then most people used the lesser versions.

    Vanilla PVE is a joke, and 35 mouthbreathing keyboard turners can pretty easily be carried by 1 good raid leader, 1 semi-competent tank, and 3-4 good dps/healers.

    Also, 40-60G/per hour on one character is pretty trivial and requires no gear. If you're a good mage, and you've decent gear solo farming ZG for bijous could net you several hundred per hour.

    I'm PRETTY EXPERIENCED when it comes to vanilla wow, if y'all nerds got any questions.

  • I'd like to play it, but I fear the same will become of it as did of Old School Runescape. OSRS is infested with old players endlessly calculating everything they do, having detailed knowledge of all the quests and mechanics and none of the kind of curiosity and sense of wonder that made MMORPGs great in the first place. Furthermore, developers started adding new content, which by itself is not so bad, but the aesthetical vision is very far from that of the original Runescape and very poorly executed (new items and buildings disproportionately large compared to player characters, vast unpopulated areas, bosses so ugly they don't look like anything in particular, etc.). I don't think the latter will become a problem with Classic, but the former just might, judging by the game guide industry on YouTube, talent and best-in-slot calculators, surveys concerning the prevalence of races, classes and professions. It's also going to suffer greatly under streamers. It's a shame really, as I missed WoW during my childhood, not having enough space on my hard drive to install the game, and having parents seriously averse to paying any kind of video game subscription. I mostly played Runescape and Guild Wars, for which I am glad, because both are (were) exceptionally atmospheric.

    TL;DR: They're turning Classic into numbers, it's likely to be ruled by the min-max mentality and have no new players.


    @Holya I am awere of class balances in Vanilla and I know the challenges of Druid, but I do not mind at all. I am not going to play classic to top dps or hps meters. I am going to have fun and maybe playing with laid back guild with no rush to kill any raid bosses. I do not know what role I am going to focus, but balance I am going to leave aside.


    @Holya What about Paladins? I'm pretty accustomed to the healer role, mained shaman in WoD/Legion, but i'm not sure about playing a tauren. I mainly want to be able to heal, but off-spec melee dps. What would you recommend?


    @Bobomy said in WoW Classic is coming:

    I don't think the latter will become a problem with Classic, but the former just might, judging by the game guide industry on YouTube, talent and best-in-slot calculators, surveys concerning the prevalence of races, classes and professions. It's also going to suffer greatly under streamers.

    They're turning Classic into numbers, it's likely to be ruled by the min-max mentality and have no new players.

    You are right, Classic won't be a totally new experience to most people, because there is so much information out there and private severs running vanilla versions. I have personally tested mage and warlock on private server and I have to say, I really liked that experience. I am going to benefit some tips what are available, but I am not personally going too far with min-maxing. I am not going to take this journey too serious and I am going to focus just to have fun. If it turns to be just a nostalgia thing for me and I bore fast, that is fine too, at least it will work as a filler when waiting something better to appear (like Fractured).


    I really don't care, I played Wow Vanilla and I hate what Blizzard had become.


    I've played WoW since its day one untill the end of Cataclysm as an hardcore player into several top ranking guild on the Italian community.

    Vanilla was amazing because everything was new, almost no one had the knowledge and all the world and istances were there to explore. The mechanics of bosses were pretty boring and simple if you look at them backward, things get more serious with AQ40 and Naxx but MC and BWL are just time sinking holes (and the majority of players cannot even overcome them).
    The real issue were you needed a massive guild to make progress: 40-men raids requires at last 60 active members constantly on par with equip, knowledge, consumables and the like.

    For a casual player's point of view, imho, Vanilla was pretty terrible with tons of content locked out because it requires too much time for farm what it was needed and most of all a decent, big, group of other really dedicated players.

    Many people that are overly excited for those Classic servers will probably find out how plain flat was that and how much everything was simple overly time-consuming. The real fun was experiencing that massive world with many of the amazing communities that were born back there.
    Something that now will never be possible again.


    @Lightspoon said in WoW Classic is coming:
    The real fun was experiencing that massive world with many of the amazing communities that were born back there.

    Something that now will never be possible again.

    Yes, people used to play the game and not the metagame


    @Holya Well, I also raided Mythic Legion, as well as raiding Cata and down (skipped MoP because of my sheer nausea with the game, so I took a break to skip retarded pandas) and I can say that they were a joke compared to Vanilla raiding (at least most bosses). Having Hardcore raided all the way up through WotLK, running at least 3 nights a week, up to 5 nights a week, every week from Vanilla up till WotLK, then downgrading after that to just two nights a week, I would have to completely disagree. The three guilds I raided with, in order of timeline were Exodus on Kel'thuzad, Foundation on Boulderfist and then later, just the two days a week, which was part time, with Prime on Boulderfist. So I'm not sure why you think it was easy, but it wasn't. As far as the gold farming, the bijou's were only good and worth farming for about a 4 month period of time...after that your were lucky to get 50g an hour...and considering the cost of the mounts and mats on high end, that is nothing.


    @Lightspoon said in WoW Classic is coming:

    Vanilla was amazing because everything was new, almost no one had the knowledge and all the world and istances were there to explore.

    This is of course a really big downside and it is impossible to get that first time experience back. However, regarding all of this, Classic has a huge fan base, which is why Blizzard finally chose to go back for the basics and the beginning.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Hpaladins are really good PVP supports, even though horde has comparatively godly racial, WSG is typically alliance favored because of Hpals. That said, AB is arguably horde favored because of elemental shamans being really good burst.

    In PVE holy paladins can't really ever top the meters verse a good priest, except on fights where the raid is only taking minimal damage and you can snipe their heals with flash of light since it's so much faster. That said, their healing competitive enough that if you're a good hpal, you'll dunk on a mediocre or bad priest. The biggest upside to PVE as a Hpal, in my opinion, is how cheap it is compared to other healers. Particularly in farm content you'll never really need to use more than the PVP mana potions(like 10 silver each?) if your gear is good.

    THAT SAID, I think the meta for gearing paladins is actually going to change a lot over what the current conventional wisdom is for them. Crit is far too highly rated IMO, since it mainly just gives you mana. Fight length has been getting lower and lower, and I always notice paladins ending fights with full mana without using consumables, which means they would've healed more in more healing power gear, instead of crit. This doesn't matter for the end of the game's cycle, though, since most T3 pieces are BiS from both a prespective of caring about crit a lot, and not caring at all.

    Ret paladin is not good PVE dps, and most people won't want you as a ret in raid - but if you go to raids as Holy, especially after you've had AQ on farm for a long time you'll probably get a very respectable ret off set. Rets are good in 1v1 verse most classes at high gear when played well, but they do have a lot of limitations. Like half of the population will be rogues/warriors, and rets dunk on those.

    I suspect the reason you had a harder time with vanilla content was due the lack of understanding of the game at the time. I think a good way to compare, is to look at the server firsts for private servers (which, again, mostly turned out to be overtuned compared to actual vanilla by a far margin) compared to world firsts for average mythic content.

    MC typically gets cleared on private servers the week after server launch, so 7-9 days server including leveling 1-60. All other vanilla content is cleared on day 1 of release by multiple guilds. Also, if you wanna take a look at , you'll see that a much higher percentage of guilds clear all content than on retail.

    Compare that to mythic content, and you'll see a rather large disparity.

    As for gold farming, I was maintaining ~180 gold/per hour even after naxx from bijous, I suppose it's a server based thing tho. I'm surprised it would ever go down to 50G/hour, though, since there are mage farms with a much higher barrier to entry that would give similar or more consistent GP/H just from vendoring greens/grays/leather.


    @Dariusacmar this was exactly my experience as well. Vanilla WoW was hard for the average player but full of wonder. I will never forget seeing Ironforge for the first time. A lot of classes/specs just aren’t viable for end game raiding but that information wasn’t available at the time. It is now obviously so I expect all of the joy to be sucked out of the game and for me I would rather keep the great memories and nightmares I have for vanilla WoW as they are, a wonderous and sometimes challenging world best viewed through rose tinted spectacles.


    I am a veteran WoW player, and I played retail since first vanilla release until the Lich King (around 5 years) at which point i quited retail because I didn't like the path at which wow was going.

    After that I spend additional years playing on private vanilla wow servers, for nostalgia, and for social aspect.

    I honestly don't know if I will venture into wow classic... I know already it will be different than old retail vanilla, even mechanically in some aspects. They are changing some things around.. I'll just add an example of changing parry cap to 14% for warriors at raid bosses, which will make raid bosses parry more against tanks, and each parry triggers increased attack speed gained by boss for a while.. which will then hit harder on tanks.

    (Many casual players don't know half these things, even if game was out for so many years, for example... most melee players still think that you have to stand behind raid boss only because so you could use "attacks that only work from the back", and so that boss wouldn't cleave you to death, while being completely oblivious to the fact that the most important reason to stand behind the boss is so he wouldn't parry your attacks - he can't parry from behind - so that resulting speed increases he gains wouldn't kill the tank).

    Many of those little things are getting tweaked for new classic, and classic will mechanically be different experience than retail vanilla was in old days.

    Many of those changes are still kept hidden by Blizzard, and will not be revealed at all (unless discovered by players), so we can't say for certain how the things in new classic will look like yet.

    Content wise, it will remain the same, and since I played this content for years, again and again, this aspect is not appealing to me anymore... perhaps I would join during first month or two, for low level world PvP while zones will be filled with people rushing back to wow for nostalgia, and when I reach 60 I might retire from there, as I raided everything to the death already and from that point on, there is nothing new for me to see, content wise.

    Class advices for those of you that wish to venture there:

    Warlock - best all around class choice. Is good at everything, PvP, raiding, dungeons,... and if Blizzard ever decides to expand classic with retail TBC again, warlock is the TOP class in TBC without any competition.

    Mage - good all around character, but bit boring to play in raiding, basically you will only spam frost bolt button from MC until AQ40... however, its a great class for AoE grinding, and preety fun to play in PvP. Future wise, in TBC it becomes not so great class to play.

    Hunter - the best class for leveling, and for solo (single target) grinding. It can also hold it's own in PvP. However in raiding, post MC, it scales very poorly, and you will never be anywhere near the top of DPS charts in raids. So if that's important for you, do not chose hunter.

    Warrior - slow leveler, but great to play at max level. Can hold it's own in PvP, and needed class for raiding (great DPS if played as DPS, and the only real tank). For raiding warrior is really rewarding class choice. However, you are adviced to have a different grinding alt then, as warrior is not the most effective grinder compared to some other classes.

    Rogue - leveling efficiency greatly depends on keeping your gear up to date, as without that it's a pain to level a rogue. At max level rogues are great in raids, and can also be fun in PvP (for people that have patience to stealth around looking for opportune targets).

    Priest - the best healer in vanilla, and is also good character to play in PvP. Priest is also a good choice, but consider that in raids you will have to be a healer, and changing specs between healing and DPS/PvP can get pretty expensive if you wish to do both regularly.

    Shaman - you will be asked to be a healer in raids, DPS shamans aren't that good in vanilla. Can be great utility class for PvP, if you want to be a PvP healer, Shaman is a great choice. Will require a lots of micro management though.

    Druid - you will be asked to be a healer in raids, tanking druids are less valued in vanilla due to some mechanical disadvantages over warriors. Druid is a hybrid class, which is decent for solo play, but not so good for raiding where you have to specialize in one role, druids are taken to raids because of buff they cast, combat ress and innervate, but you will not heal better then priests do.

    Paladin - you will be asked to be a healer in raids, due to some mechanical disadvantages over warriors in vanilla. Paladin is pretty decent class to play if you don't mind being a healer, its invaluable in raids due to great auras it offers to players in your raid. Do not expect to ever be a tank or DPS in raids, and even if raids let you, you will perform mediocre in those roles at best.

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