What albion did wrong- not a bash thread
@Morgion Albion is made FOR whales ^^.
@Greenfox said in What albion did wrong- not a bash thread:
@Morgion Albion is made FOR whales ^^.
Agreed. Which is not a sustainable model. Look no further than the Lord British game 'Shroud of the Avatar' which has been a colossal failure and now seems to be run mostly by one guy out of his house. It survives on whales mindlessly throwing cash at a game that has never been good and can never be good. It's dire.
@Canterbury Well, there's alot of games that want to change that P2W fuel.
It's not a sustauinable model. BUT its good for a cash grab.
The big publishers know this mostly too ... look at EA.
Makes game, realses it without p2w to get good rateing and then puts in lots of p2w to suck try whales.My only worry is that fractured will get p2w too, if they ever SELL the rights ... and a section publisher in some countrys ruin the PR by going hard p2w.
Just praying that their stance on P2W stuff still stands.
I have no worrys about quickening things up. But no one should be able to buy something, that you cant get ingame with pure work.If you can pay to get 20 hours work done, by working 2 hours in real life flipping burgers. That's fine.
But if you need to spend money to get that "Prestige" Stuff thats hitting you hard in pvp, you can't get anyway else...In Albion alot of other stuff ... went wrong, p2w wasnt so much an issue. More like they're ideas for endgame and community interaction where just bad.
Roccandil TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Jun 15, 2019, 4:27 PM last edited by Roccandil Jun 15, 2019, 4:28 PM
@Canterbury said in What albion did wrong- not a bash thread:
I hated the maps in Albion. All really small and tricksy pathing. None of it felt like a big world where I could go anywhere. It felt really really really annoying to get around after the first hour or two.
I've gotten used to traveling around Albion, but due to portals, you're never really more than two/three maps away from a city (at least, I've never felt like I'm way out in the wilds, not even in the black zones).
The Fractured map for the single Syndesia continent, on the hand, feels huge.
No gates between maps, far fewer obvious choke points to camp, with a general feeling of the player being quite small.
I'm hoping that the map becomes more diverse (as opposed to the false hugeness of infinite uniformity), and handles high population well.
@Roccandil I'm hopefull for the spatiol os part of the engine. That should handle alot of people ... in theory. Like how it handles alot of mobs too.
@Gothix there is no game that the players decided upon the world, it all part of the developers design, and that why you can't have a real sandbox, it's just the how much the developers chooses your action.
For example the developers made ganking profitable then that what most of players will do. But if they made farming profitable then most will do that.
@Roccandil said in What albion did wrong- not a bash thread:
@Canterbury said in What albion did wrong- not a bash thread:
I hated the maps in Albion. All really small and tricksy pathing. None of it felt like a big world where I could go anywhere. It felt really really really annoying to get around after the first hour or two.
I've gotten used to traveling around Albion, but due to portals, you're never really more than two/three maps away from a city (at least, I've never felt like I'm way out in the wilds, not even in the black zones).
The Fractured map for the single Syndesia continent, on the hand, feels huge.
No gates between maps, far fewer obvious choke points to camp, with a general feeling of the player being quite small.
I'm hoping that the map becomes more diverse (as opposed to the false hugeness of infinite uniformity), and handles high population well.
This is so true and was one of the huge mistakes what SBI did just before launch. I do not mind few fast travel options in games, but when you have access from the central hub of the world (Caerleon) to every other city (5) and through 16 portals all over the Outlands, it is just too much for a sandbox game. This made the world feel small. Now corrective actions have taken and maybe the current traveling system is better... not sure though.
Roccandil TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Jun 17, 2019, 7:45 PM last edited by Roccandil Jun 17, 2019, 7:45 PM
The longest stretches I've found are between each Royal city on the rim, but even so, the world doesn't really feel "big".
We'll see what happens with the Percival? black zone rework: that looks like it could have a much different feel (far fewer portals, with the only portals being on the outland rim, and no portal at all in Caerleon).