Weekly Drawings - Be Active & Win Foundation Points!
so about those drawings @Prometheus
@kostan Prometheus posts the results whenever he has time. We still start a new round every week, so don't worry about the delay.
Pretty amazing System you guys have! Totally digging it already, keep up that good work
Nice, but i don't have much followers yet...
Pretty cool way to get ppl to engage and talk about the game your creating!
@nelchael And Boi did it work c':
too bad i cant draw lmao
I really like the way this works! Just found out about the game and think the idea is great!
Gostei,olá gente
Looks like a very good idea
I want to be drawn so I can get the Alpha Key
eu não intendi nada
@j3ff3r5k8 Se você postar algo no forum que os desenvolvedores considerarem como contribuição significativa para o jogo ou para a comunidade eles te colocam no sorteio pra ganhar 1000 pontos na fundação. Se você divulgar o jogo e trazer novos membros eles te colocam no sorteio para ganhar 2000 pontos. E de vez em quando vão fazer uns torneios, também valendo pontos pros vencedores.
Excited to usher in a wave of capitalism into the game >:D
@prometheus Heyyey xP
I'm confused about where to put either a drawing, a video or a YouTube channel link? Can anyone help, I am not good at the technologies
You're not supposed to actually draw anything. You just have to talk about Fractured, like in a blog post, youtube video, forum, anywhere many people will see it. Then you take a screenshot of what you did and post it in this thread.
Is there any way we could rename the weekly drawings to weekly lotteries, or something like that? Too many people get confused and think they're supposed to draw pictures.
@nelchael The opening post is pretty clear about what the drawings are so I don't think that renaming them will help. If we were to rename them to lotteries, raffles, etc, they'd probably ask us where to but tickets instead. Unfortunately some people only read titles, not posts.