Dungeon Content
I hope there are going to be many different types of dungeons and monsters. I played Albion Online for a while and the lack of dungeons and monster was disappointing. Every dungeon seemed the same just a different layouts. There were only a few different monsters got kind of boring fighting the same thing. I like PVP but when you are in the mood to do some PVE and it is the same crap over and over not much fun.
We have the Labyrinth which is supposed to be randomized every time it's entered. Hopefully it will have enough variation, challenge, and reward to sustain interest.
I always hope for a robust and cool system for handling dungeons that make you feel like you are actually exploring the world around the area you are in. It can be instanced but it should reflect the feel and design of the area it was in so that it can portray more depth.
The randomness is great and all, but we really need a large variety of mobs to make them enjoyable. IMHO, of course.
The fact that some attacks/spells impact the "environment" around you, I think boss fights could be quite fun here
At least in the open world, am hoping for ecosystems, with cause and effect (kill the apex predators, and the bunnies go wild, etc.).
Would be cool to see lairs that only spawn if certain conditions are met (too many bunnies? a killer rabbit dungeon spawns!
I would like to see traps, puzzles, need of cooperation (for example stand on 4 spots at the same time to open the door to next chamber).
I hope that dungeons won't be just "move forward -> kill everything -> repeat". That it will require a bit of planning, preparation and dedication. Not just mindless button spamming.
@Dybuk This:
I hope that dungeons won't be just "move forward -> kill everything -> repeat".
and this:
That it will require a bit of planning, preparation and dedication. Not just mindless button spamming.
doesn't have to be mutually exclusive, does it? One can do a lot with tricky enemy teamups, tricky terrain setup, or both.
But I agree with you - puzzles would be nice. I never got to raiding in any multiplayer game, but I have
manya fewa tiny handful of fond memories of doing Spy missions in Warframe(1).I heard that roguelike-ish roguelite Unexplored has procedurally generated, multi-floor puzzles that are not just "paste puzzle vault here", so there's already prior art for Dynamight to take notes from.
Speaking of which: I really hope Dynamight has some traditional roguelike nerds on the team, if they're tackling procedurally generated dungeons. There are two reasons:
- roguelike renaissence has produced a lot of useful know-how in that area, and a lot of creators share their findings freely,
- "proc-gen" is a bit of a dirty word for MMO veterans, because it has been implemented poorly in past titles(2).
(1) And a lot of awful memories of uncooperative randos ruining them by acting like blind idiots. -_-
(2) If r/MMORPG is to be believed, at any rate.