Foundation Daily Bonus
Re: Foundation
Do we have to log in every day to get daily bonus or is it automatically given? also in the foundation my daily points say 10is that in addition to the 15 base points or did they scarp the additional 15 points thing?
It is automatic. They scrapped the initial 15 points.
The base 15 points were removed to deter alt accounts / bots.
@althalus After reaching a certain level (10, 30, 50, 70, 90) you are given the opportunity to receive 5 points of the Fund daily, which are accrued without your participation (automatically). There is also a daily task giving 50 shackles of the Fund, if you comment on the record or publish the topic, for this task comes the theme daily task. If you have any more questions about the Foundation's tasks, you can read how to do them in this subject of Jobs Fund + (RUS)