The Shadow Empire
Joined the guild yesterday
@VyrVandalous I'll join once I get access
Hallo all
Looking to test out Fractured with a good group sometime in the future.
Do not join this guild, Vyr (the leader) will kick you for asking questions without even trying to work it out.
@TekNicTerror said in The Shadow Empire:
Do not join this guild, Vyr (the leader) will kick you for asking questions without even trying to work it out.
Sometimes people aren't a fit. I would say dragging this in the forums to attempt a smear campaign would reflect far more poorly than kicking someone out because they aren't a good fit.
I wouldn't have dragged it to the forums if he had the intelligence to even tell me something other than seemingly typing in discord (I saw discord show he was typing a good 30 or so seconds so I looked away to a video, then noticed my discord was on the main view [where friends and PM's are]), then just kicking me from both the guild on the webby and discord and also not taking my PM's (discord and the PM's on the forum).
And it is not a smear campaign if it is the truth; I asked two/three questions and got no reply other then a quick kick and left with no way to 1 on 1 him.
So I feel justified in letting people know what kinda stuff he could pull.
Since you've posted this here, I'll say you were kicked because your behavior was toxic, and though I wasn't asked in advance, I wholeheartedly approved of the action, based entirely on what I had seen of you for myself.
I was unaware I was being toxic, (thou I do know I was somewhat of a downer earlier) I am sorry. But I was serious of those last questions, the reforms Vyr spoke of, I saw no earlier mention(s) of in that channel of what I saw.
Either way Vyr, I do want you to PM some, at the very least I wanna give back the ox; I wont be keeping it just cuz I am out and you gave it to me as a member, you could give it to a current member in need or perhaps use it in breeding or whatever, I always considered it guild property.
G'Day Folks
Still recruiting here. We are also playing Albion Online while we wait for this game to come out.. but be assured that our priorities are towards "Fractured MMO" for sure.
If you want to join us.. join us on discord at:
And join us on Albion at:
Albion is "Free to play" and we have bought a tier 6 max island for the guild and set up tons of pets/mounts/gear and so forth. We are using this as a gateway tool to learn about one another, learn and develop team tactics and also to be social and friendly until Fractured comes out.
You are of course welcome to join us. Message Vyr in Albion for a guild invite. Also make sure to guild yourself here in Fractured on our guild page site as well.
Make a human for now.. but we are doing all 3 races here
Cheers and we hope to see you soon.
Vyr Vandalous
Currently Recruiting.
Good Day Folks.
We (Our Guild) is currently recruiting for Fractured Online MMO.
We offer a Discord channel and a fun and friendly community. We are currently ranked in 2nd on the guild forums here and are working towards 1st ranking position.
We are helpful and supportive and we offer membership to all of the 3 races within this game. We have guild towns/cities in each of the 3 realms planned out.
If you are interested in joining us simply make a "human hero" and join our guild. Please keep in mind that this does not mean that you'll need to only play a human but it does help us get the community together here under one unified banner.
You can log onto discord to ask anything you like of me or the fellow members here as well. We are all types of play styles and you as a member will be fit into your desired role.
We look forward to also playing Alpha with you and we are also currently in search of high pledge packages such as Governor packs as well. We will be offering special perks/benefits to those that commit with those tiers of pledge packs to help support your founding Governor cities upon game launch
Thank You
Vyr Vandalous
A new day, and another day closer to the next test!
The Shadow Empire is "Recruiting"
We have openings for members/characters of the 3 different realms here plus the additional "Transformation" races.
It may not yet be fully understood on how we are incorporating this but you as a potential member/recruit are welcome to join us on discord to discuss how we are implementing this. We here feel that this will give us the maximum of effect upon the game and give us the greatest rewards for gear/items/resources as well.
We are a mature guild but we do also welcome younger members in our ranks as well and role-players. We feel that when you 'limit' your community to any 1 thing that you cripple yourself to the other options and opportunities that this game has to offer which is why we have become so diverse in our recruitment campaign here.
We have several "Governors" here who are managing our regional affairs and fully support the guild as a whole. If you yourself are a Governor Package and wish to contribute please join us in discord so we can get you properly seated into a position becoming of your Pledge/Support level.
Guild Invite Request Link:
"Please make a Human Hero for now..We will sort out your desired Race Pick Later". The forums only allow 1 race per guild at this time.
Thank-You for your time/attention and see you in-game!
The Shadow Empire Guild is Recruiting. We are also looking for PvP'er Types for our Demon Sect of the Guild. We now have a Warlord Of Tartaros City State here with Supporting Demon Governor Outlets as well. We are of course recruiting for other races (Humans and Beastmen) as well. We have various "Map Plans" "Tactics" and Structure set in place. We are open to new fresh Idea's here and new approaches to this upcoming game. We will Heavily be playing Alpha 1.2 and the other phases together as A Guild Community and brainstorming new methods/approaches to the game and the guild structure. If you wish to join us you are welcome to do so. Please hop onto our discord for a conversation and if you do decide to join us then go to this link here and make a human hero (for now) as the forums are limited and upon launch we will get you situated into the primary and secondary roles of your choice. Thank-You .. Game Referral Link To Sign Up: Discord : . Guild Link is here: . Please also note: We are working to know one another/build a social friendly community here. Our intentions are to already be an established guild group by the time the game launches so we will be playing other games in the interm together and working out our strategies together. Thanks for your time.
Well looks intresting. Count me in.
@MrMarbod said in The Shadow Empire:
Well looks intresting. Count me in.Join us on Discord. Let us talk and welcome!
Alpha 1.2 Guild Recruiting.
The Shadow Empire Guild is Recruiting for Alpha 1.2 and beyond. We won't just be playing Alpha 1.2 together but we will be planning out our 'release state game tactics' as well. We will be mapping locations and heavily exploring all the aspects of the game that we can together. We will also be of course submitting various bug reports to the developers to help them refine the game further.
Please join our discord if you wish to learn more or become a member of our community.
The Shadow Empire Guild is Recruiting. "Word" has it that larger guilds from Albion online will be joining the server such as Money Guild and otehrs. WE here are hopeful of building a community which prevents the overwhelming tyrrany those types of guilds bring to the game so we are uniting together in preparation for this. We will be offering up all 3 races in our guild. We currently have 2 Duke of Syndesia Pledge Members in our Guild (For Humans and Liches) and 1 Soul of Arboreus Package + 1 Druid of Arboreus Package (For Beastmen Characters) and One Tyrant Of Tartaros Package and One Warlord of Tartaros Package (Fro Our Demon Members) Plus Various Supporting Governor Packages to be placed in the various outskirt regions in order to support our claims. We may seem to be a Large guild but we need many more to join the "Cause" in order to solidify our influence and in-game security. Please join us if you wish to be part of this at: and Our Discord at: . Thank-You.
A hearty shout out to the Empire, Fractured’s premiere imperial guild! The empire’s leadership is experienced, their ambitions significant, and their vision absolute.
@Alexian said in The Shadow Empire:
The empire’s leadership is experienced, their ambitions significant, and their vision absolute.
Now that sounds like something said in LoTR.