WaynestonChurchill TF#4 - EMISSARY Apr 27, 2018, 2:28 PM last edited by WaynestonChurchill Apr 27, 2018, 2:28 PM
Kinda a silly one here but I would love to fish in fractured. Supplement income and a hobby what more can you want?
Fishing would make much sense as a part of Crafting/Hunting.
I mean, who don't like fish?I know much people who likes it just to login for some hours of fishing and chatting meanwhile with other player.
Even great for telling some stories, while you sit on a river and dip your pole into the water.To be honest, fishing is boring for myself, but i understand the need and why some people like it so much.
But please, it is not a fishing that you have to be 30min to get something interesting, that would be something boring in my opinion
For these kind of chores, I typically pick fishing over stuff like farming, so I guess fishing would be nice for me too
As long as you actually fish and not just sit there and AFK for ages while your character catches absolute crud / gets PK'd.
Smeels like warframe! Fishing huh? I would probably sit atleast 1h everyday cuz of that, i like to that type of things in games... Thank you for posting
Smeels like warframe! Fishing huh? I would probably sit atleast 1h everyday cuz of that, i like to that type of things in games... Thank you for posting
i actually like the Warframe fishing style. much better than clicking on a cork.
Fishing could have multiple styles too (depending on knowledge ranks). start off with a spear then it could split into fishing poles or cast nets, at the top it could be a fish farm. you get some land, make a pond and stock it!
Actually, there are 2-3 types of fish spears, one for bigger fishes with armor, first one you get is for light armored fishes. About that thing you said, game will lose her space ninja thing if they do this.
But, fishing that's in warframe for now is good, + you can get nice things for it. We shall stop this conversation cuz this aint warframe forum
@kanaii my point being i haven't seen a game use spears to fish, it's always been fishing poles where you just click on a cork.
Fishing is a good idea!
Why not go fishing with your claws when you are a beastmen? -> Bear and Salmon!
no joke, I'm not sure for the Warframe fishing style even if I love it.
Torchlight has a something for fishing that could fit I think; or a mashed up way.
@rotul have you tried or seen game play of Warframe fishing?
@jetah Yes that's why I said I love it x3
It's just the fishing gameplay in Warframe is action gameplay and I'm not sure this is the aim of Fractured as I know it so far.
About torchlight, its quite boring to do fishing. In warframe it feels like some action, that's what makes it good. Especially when you have 10 friends to do fishing with you
Huh, what about creating fishing guild? Would be great
Fishing could have multiple styles too (depending on knowledge ranks). start off with a spear then it could split into fishing poles or cast nets, at the top it could be a fish farm. you get some land, make a pond and stock it!
I totally agree with this. This would make fishing less boring and a fish farm could help to store food for guilds.
@rotul the game has action combat. it could be similar to bows but instead of killing a bear it's a fish. actually there are bow fishing too!
@Finland depends on how big the farms can be. i'm not saying make it efficient enough to never need fishing.
Finland depends on how big the farms can be. i'm not saying make it efficient enough to never need fishing.
That's the purpose of a farm
I think fishing would be neat to wind down after a long guild siege or whatever. I really wanna see an equal amount of enjoyable peaceful activities and more violent activities
@waynestonchurchill there is nothing relaxing if you risk to get ganked
Can demons fish something up from the depths of hell?
Bit offtopic, but the other tread about weapons had multiple suggestions about fighting with bare hands. I did that in BDO with the axe spinning class, forgot the name. I grabbed afk fishers with it and threw them in the ocean. Was hilarious