Please add me to Developer Forum
Gday Gday,
I purchased the Immortal pack just recently, tried logging out and back in again but no luck.
Could you please activate all my beautiful Immortal perks.Cheers mate
most of the pack perks don't kick in until launch. As to the Developer's Forum, you have to message Prometheus directly, usually best on Discord, in order to get that changed, it's not automatic.
where did you buy it? It's not in the store.
@Corinzio I think he meant the Eternal Pack, calling it the Immortal by mistake.
I don't remember the pack names from the Kickstarter a few years ago, but he could have also purchased an upgrade through the Kickstarter Campaign. I no longer have my link to the update set, so thought it was overwith and you had to use the store now, but I could be mistaken
Sorry, yes it was the ETERNAL pack.
Seems my brain may have confused Eternal and Immortal.Bought it in the Foundation website Store
I bought eternal more than 1 month ago and still don't have access
@Xarcane as I said in my post, you don't get automatic access. You have to message Prometheus, preferably on Discord, in order to get added manually.
@GamerSeuss He's not answering on Discord
@Corinzio Give him time, he may be knee deep in code, or I think he even mentioned something about a short vacation somewhere, so that might be the case.
Regardless, he is usually pretty quick to respond on Discord so if he isn't right now, it means he's not gone on discord because of something keeping him away, be it family or coding.
@SpaceWhor3 @Xarcane You should both have access right now. I'm not sure about @Corinzio though, Prometheus went through this thread early this morning.
@Specter Thanks for looking out!
I've been on the fence of finally taking the step from Champion to Eternal.
Have you participated in any of the play test stages yet?
This upcoming test has me hyped up more then ever!
I've been Alpha testing almost since the beginning