Craft Button for Primal Weave Scholar Gear Doesn't Work
I was trying to craft a set of Scholar Gear at the crafting station using Primal Weave. After I clicked "Craft," there was no crafting time bar and the craft button turned into "cancel," but even after waiting a long while, nothing was crafting and my primal weave mats were not used. I'm not sure if it is only the Primal Weave that is stuck, have not tested substituting the other weave mats yet.
I don't think they've fully unlocked all the Tier 2+ Material crafting. It's there, but I think it's disabled, same seems to happen when people try to make Yew Mage Staves for instance
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This is very not true for the Primal Weave considering I have a set on me right now. I made it last night in the starting town.
either I stand corrected, or something they fixed ended up causing something else to break/disable...who's to say. All I know is, sometimes when working with higher tier materials, nothing happens.
I think I've found the answer...
You may need to reach a certain Tech Level or something to unlock use of higher tier materials for crafting in your town. I was having the same trouble trying to craft Spider Silk Scholar Gloves, would sit with Cancel for about half a minute, then go back to the Craft option, nothing used or created.
I took my Spidersilk back to the starter town and attempted to do the same thing there, and it worked, which means the starter town is probably set up at a higher tech tree level by default...not absolutely sure, but this is my theory
To clarify further - @GamerSeuss and @AlejoTheBear are correct, there is no issue with this craft when using the station in the starter town. Is that intended that the starter town crafting station has the higher tier unlocked by default?
@Harleyyelrah said in Craft Button for Primal Weave Scholar Gear Doesn't Work:
To clarify further - @GamerSeuss and @AlejoTheBear are correct, there is no issue with this craft when using the station in the starter town. Is that intended that the starter town crafting station has the higher tier unlocked by default?
I'll get to you in game to verify. The starting towns should only allow tier 1 mats, too.
@Prometheus When you have time! I have already heard a couple people able to craft primal weave scholar set from the starter town.
Fixed in va250d