Full Interaction Table Between Alignments and PvP Flagging!
I think it could be beneficial for everyone to set in stone the interactions between alignments and PvP flags.
I'm doing this little table in hope that someone helps me solving the doubt situations, maybe this can go in the wiki after it's done.
Let's suppose two characters: A and B, we'll also suppose that A is always the source of the offending skill, and try to nail down all the possible combinations and their effects.
Every character can be either Good, Neutral or Evil, and can be flagged for PvP or not, a lot of combinations, so here we go!
(I don't know if there can be differences between single target skills and AoE, if there are we must expand the table further to consider them!)
(I will skip the cases where A and B are both not flagged for PvP, because I suppose that if both are not flagged no hostile interaction can go on anyway)A Good No PvP
B Good PvP: interaction since B is flagged? Does A get flagged too? Does being both Good prevent hostile interaction or does the PvP flag on B get precedence? First doubt here.
B Neutral PvP: interaction since B is flagged? Does A get flagged too? Does A being Good prevent hostile interaction or does the PvP flag on B and its neutrality get precedence? Same doubt as above.
B Evil PvP: interaction seems natural, B is Evil and flagged, so I suppose that A gets flagged for PvP too since it's attacking another player.A Good PvP
B Good No PvP: interaction since A is flagged? Does B get flagged too? Does being both Good prevent hostile interaction or does the PvP flag on A get precedence?
B Good PvP: interaction since both characters are flagged? Even if they are both Good?
B Neutral No PvP: interaction since A is flagged? Does B get flagged too? Well you know the drill now.
B Neutral PvP: probable interaction since they are both flagged and not both Good.
B Evil No PvP: probable interaction since B is Evil and A is probably hunting for Evil, but can a Good initiate combat this way against a non flagged?
B Evil PvP: this seems certain, interaction because Good A is hunting evil B.A Neutral No PvP
B Good PvP: interaction since B is flagged? Does A get flagged too?
B Neutral PvP: interaction since B is flagged?
B Evil PvP: interaction seems natural, B is Evil and flagge, so I suppose that A gets flagged for PvP too since it's attacking another player.A Neutral PvP
B Good No PvP: interaction since a Neutral flagged player can initiate combat I suppose, B gets flagged because attacked by hostile player.
B Good PvP: interaction since both characters are flagged.
B Neutral No PvP: interaction since a Neutral flagged player can initiate combat I suppose, B gets flagged because attacked by hostile player.
B Neutral PvP: interaction since both characters are flagged.
B Evil No PvP: interaction since a Neutral flagged player can initiate combat I suppose, B gets flagged because attacked by hostile player.
B Evil PvP: interaction since both characters are flagged.A Evil No PvP
B Good PvP: can Evil character simply attack anyone already flagged even if they're not currently?
B Neutral PvP: can Evil character simply attack anyone already flagged even if they're not currently?
B Evil PvP: can Evil character simply attack anyone already flagged even if they're not currently?A Evil PvP
B Good No PvP
B Good PvP
B Neutral No PvP
B Neutral PvP
B Evil No PvP
B Evil PvP
I suppose any combination where A is Evil and PvP flagged produce interaction, and flags B if not already flagged.Ok now please help me correct the mistakes I might have made and fill out the borderline situations!
Hope this will be of help not only for me, but for every player in the end!
Don't really understand all you wrote just there... looks like a lot of....ummm... yeah.... wordy text.
But the basics of the alignment PvP (For Syndesia only) goes as follows:
GN = Good Alignment AND Neutral Alignment (There is no mechanical difference between a Good and a Neutral player.)
E = Evil Alignment
(F) = Flagged for PvPA Good Alignment player can not injure another Good Aligned player unless they are both flagged for PvP. So....
GN vs GN = Can not Happen
GN vs GN(F) = Can not Happen
GN(F) vs GN = Can not Happen
GN(F) vs GN(F) = Damage Taken.A flagged Good Alignment player can always harm Evil aligned players and becomes flagged for PvP when doing so.
GN(F) vs E = Damage Taken. E becomes E(F)A flagged Evil aligned player always harms ALL other players regardless of alignment. When they attack another player, that player instantly becomes "Flagged" for PvP. So...
E(F) vs GN = Damage Taken, GN becomes GN(F)
E vs E = No Damage Taken.
E(F) vs E(F) = Damage Taken.Its pretty simple and straight forward. If an Evil aligned player AOEs a group of Good aligned players, all the Good Aligned players injured in the AOE automatically become flagged for PvP and are capable of harming their other flagged group members. This is the Friendly Fire mechanic.
@Ostaff yeah I've been wordy because I think sometimes schematic tables are less readable by some players, but your answer really helps narrowing down stuff a lot!
I thought there were a lot more strange interactions based on PvP flagging, but the way you put it out is really easier to understand.
When you say that an E player will always harm all other players regardless of alignment, do you also mean they do it regardless their own flagging?
I mean, must E player be flagged to harm in the first place or is being evil enough, like being E equals also being flagged?
Because I think I remember to have read the concept of Evil non flagged player somewhere.
But I might be wrong of course.
Sorry, yes.. Evil does still have to flag. I think this is to keep them from injuring each other accidentially when PvE'n together. Had to get clarification on that since I have not actually played as an Evil player yet. So the flag is just to initialize the ability to damage other players first. Once a player has been injured they automatically flag.
So the initiator of the fight must have the flag condition before starting the combat but the flagged condition of the victim does not matter as they will automatically be flagged once damaged.
@Ostaff ok I'll try to sum that up based on your notation system.
Any(not F) vs Any(F or not) = Nothing (we can say that a non flagged will NEVER damage someone first, unless flagged by something)
GN(F) vs GN = Nothing
GN(F) vs E = ?
GN(F) vs Any(F) = Damage
E(F) vs Any(F or not) = DamageIs that correct?
We must only understand if a GN flagged player can initiate hostility against a non flagged E.
GN(F) vs E = Damage taken.
Remember, the flagged condition of the target doesn't matter when both are of opposite alignments.
@Ostaff ah right, right, so again, more compact than ever!
Any(not F) vs Any(F or not) = Nothing
GN(F) vs GN = Nothing
GN(F) vs E or Any(F) = Damage
E(F) vs Any(F or not) = Damage
@GreatValdus said in Full Interaction Table Between Alignments and PvP Flagging!:
@Ostaff ah right, right, so again, more compact than ever!
Any(not F) vs Any(F or not) = Nothing
GN(F) vs GN = Nothing
GN(F) vs E or Any(F) = Damage
E(F) vs Any(F or not) = DamageIt's correct
You could just write Good anyway, the Neutral alignment no longer exists. There's one case missing:
E(F) vs Any = Nothing
Basically, the aggressive flag just means "I want to attack someone". Who you can attack depends on your alignment (Good can only attack Evil, Evil can attack everyone). If you turn aggressive, you start taking damage from AOE abilities cast by all other players (and sometimes your own AOE as well). End
@Prometheus I've probably lost the moment when the neutral status went away then!
Anyway I suppose that when you say "If you turn aggressive, you start taking damage from AOE abilities cast by all other players" you still mean only from flagged ones.