Just discovered this game, and am hyped.
As the tile says, im very hyped for the game.
@KylarS welcome to the forum!
And in 16 days, welcome to the Spring Alpha!
Hello KylarS!
@KylarS Hello and welcome aboard
Long overdue for a fun MMO, crossing fingers
Hello and Welcome
Hello and welcome to the hype train!!
Guys remember to get a guild before it starts.
@Bernu As much as it is very beneficial, it isn't completely neccissary. This next test will be A LOT more forgiving for solo players, as the city system has been completely overhauled. You no longer need to be a citizen to be able to craft. However, being a citizen will give you a larger variety of things to craft, if you can get permission to do so. You will also have friends to hunt with
Plus I suppose you can join a guild even after the game starts.
Yeap. There have been plenty of players doing that too
The guild I run (The Moonshadow Dryads) have had quite a few members join, simply by settling with us in our town. In fact, we went from 5 members to 14 in a single test, because of it!