Weather effects on movement and combat
I started wondering about weather effects, day/night cycles and ultimately found my answers dating back to 2018. First, has anything changed since then? What I donโt see are weather effects on movement and combat.
Will rain/snow/high winds slow your movement? Will food prints be present?
Will negative effects happen to a caster in certain weather conditions? For example, will lightening spells used in rain/wet possibly stun or damage the caster?
The world wants to know... so it can properly unleash its full wraith properly.
Is there even weather in the game?
Haven't ever seen anything other than clear and sunny. It's being sneaky!
I remember Prometheus said in a q&a, that each continent on a planet will have different weather
Well it sounds at least interesting...
Ice attacks during rain could freeze the floor, ...
Life is Feudal had weather but I don't remember it affecting anything other than farming.
All good feedback! Much appreciated all!
According to some older posts, Weather should be different in each biome.
As far as it having an effect on your player statuses such as movement, elemental attributes to spells, and accuracy when using long range combat, I don't recall any discussion implying that will be an implementation.
Well with farming being implemented it really needs to have an impact there. You can't very well farm in the snow.
@Farlander what you never seen some wheat growing in the snow before? lol
I personally haven't seen crops in the snow but hey I don't know everything
Plus this is a fantasy world anything is possible.
Some games implement weather effects just for the looks and the feel, which is still nice if done properly.
Having it also affect, farming, player movement, and other thigs would be even better, but it requires a lot more development time.
I guess this could be done later on, when all other things work smoothly.Also, a thing to note is that the more complexity with such stuff (for example, going for extreme survival elements), can also make the game "too hard" and not likable to a lot of players.
Everything needs balance.