Are you a PVP or PVE player?
Either but I do like my pve time just to chill out and take it easy
PVE, I dont like confrontation
PvE for the most part. Hate getting ganked all the time, and don't always feel like gathering all my friends just to enjoy a little solo play.
pvp. always.
PVE Players
PvE but I enjoy consensual PvP with fun people. So basically I end up getting ganked.
PvE with a group of friends or guildmates
I lean towards PvE, but I enjoy PvP as well.
I generally don't like arena style systems where they are purposely kept separate. WoW's idea of splitting gear such that there is PvP and PvE gear is one of the things that really bothered me. If I'm going to spend hours raiding, I want to be able to use that cool gear crushing other players too!
I will "Main" pve, raiding is so much more fun imo but i dabble in PVP from time to time
I rather pve. I do not bother too much with keeping up with story lines. Mainly just quest and wonder around.
The Infinite Content aka PVP.
With extra points if the game allows me to solo Pk like Ultima or harass someone at his house.
PvE and sometimes PvP
PvP only if there is full loot (biscuits)
I Like pvp and dominate ppl
i like to do both, but i will never play a game that doesnt give a PvP option
Personally, it depends on the game for me, sometimes some games offer a really good PvE experience but terrible PvP so ill exclusively PvE, other times its the opposite. So it really depends.
pvp because im not a baby
I like pvp more ,but I think that pve is necessary
@ogmudbone said in Are you a PVP or PVE player?:
pvp because im not a baby
Don'w want to offend anyone but isn't it actually the other way around? That mostly the kids want's PvP as they generally have more time and more to prove. And you meet childish players in PvP more often then PvE (at least that's my experience).