Monster kills do not grant KP and enemy knowledge for all party members



    As @Nekrage described here, it appears that the distribution of KP within a party is depending on who has dealt damage to the creature in question. Simple attacking without doing actual damage is not sufficient.

    This becomes evident when using a melee class in a party and fighting wisps since they are immune to physical damage. Melee fighters cannot obtain any KP or creature knowledge through their regular attacks.

    This somewhat changes with the use of skills. Thanks to @Harleyyelrah and @AlejoTheBear I was able to test the following skills against wisps. See results below, indicating if the skill use did result in KP and creature knowledge gain (YES) or not (NO):

    Bleeding Strike: NO
    Blinding Strike: YES
    Crippling Strike: YES
    Poisoning Strike: YES
    Eviscerate (used in combination with bleeding strike): NO
    Death Mark: YES
    Frenzy: NO
    Word of Power Kill: YES

    It looks like anything that inflicts wounds or operates on the bases of wounds does not give KP, other status effects seem to work fine.

    Interesting are Death Mark and Word of Power to me. Word of Power seems to count as an actually damaging skill (does not show damage number over creature as far as I could tell) and not just a kill move.

    Death Mark is especially confusing since it should only (as per tooltip) increase my own damage on creatures (which would still be 0 with standard attacks) but seems to somehow affect this.

    There was a rather large conversation in discord if this behavior overall was intended or bugged, so feel free to dismiss this all as working as intended I guess if that's the case. It would just make it hard for support characters who just slow, root or stun creatures to gain knowledge in groups. This also goes for single target focused players vs aoe specialists. A tank fighting just one monster would gain knowledge from 1 monster only, not any of the smaller creatures around which the rest of the party takes care of.


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    I think maybe clarification on what criteria counts for knowledge point (KP) gain would help us clear this up.

    Are we only supposed to get KP if we do damage to the mob individually, or are all members of a party supposed to get KP from a mob kill (within a certain range)?

    Can we get KP from helping someone outside of party kill a mob? Or does it depend on who "tags" the mob first?

    If only individually done damage to the mob will make us eligible for KP, aren't tanks/healers at a disadvantage during group play since they wouldn't be doing damage?

    My group also noticed that if you are knocked out (Green bar endurance depleted) while fighting a mob in a party, if the party kills the mob while you are downed, you do not get KP. This makes sense, but I just wanted to add it here to confirm whether that is intended or unintended.


    @Silynx now tell me, did you not just have fun figuring all that out? They throw you a monkey wrench and said "NO! to physical damage" so do you complain and whine like a kid? or get creative and figure out how to actually get what you want? Which was more rewarding you think? Personally, I prefer the challenges like that.

    @Harleyyelrah yeah. I noticed that nice little addition of no KP when knocked out as well. Happened a bit when I was a mage as they get trounced a lot in big mob groupings. Made me want to figure out how to stay alive longer, which I did eventually do. 🙂


    @Ostaff said in Monster kills do not grant KP and enemy knowledge for all party members:

    @Silynx now tell me, did you not just have fun figuring all that out? They throw you a monkey wrench and said "NO! to physical damage" so do you complain and whine like a kid? or get creative and figure out how to actually get what you want? Which was more rewarding you think? Personally, I prefer the challenges like that.

    This has nothing to do with a "difficulty" challenge. This is about figuring out what the intended game design is supposed to be for Knowledge Point gain.


    @Harleyyelrah I think you figured it out though. You used status effects to hurt it and get your KP. Quite sure that was the intention all along. Learning to use more than just a few skills.


    @Ostaff If we "figured it out" then why would we be posting in the Bug Report section?


    @Harleyyelrah Cause you thought it was a bug at first, of course.


    @Ostaff ..... No. This isn't posted here because we "originally" thought it was a bug. This is because it still may be a bug and we are looking for clarification from a developer on their intended game design. Now please stop replying with unproductive sentences so that this thread isn't derailed. Thank you!


    We were working under the assumption it is a bug because it greatly disadvantages certain, namely not damage focused, players in a group setting, and is inconsistent within itself. Or seems that way to us.

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