PK punishment

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @gothix we had many guild gather session but to me was not so funny. I mostly prefer kill stuff mobs or player over than gather XD


    @finland i quoted what i agree of the albion system, not the entire grinding and infinite tier system.
    Just about the possibility to loot your kills and getting gear and resources.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @gothix said in PK punishment:

    Also should not gather 6 hour straight because of danger of loosing it all, but occasionally travel back to city to put what you gathered thus far to storage.

    If you need 30-40 mins to travel back to to closest city is not worth by me.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Good thing ppl that like pk and ppl that hate pk are worlds apart in this game and have to go to extreme lengths to reach eachother šŸ˜‰


    @fibs said in PK punishment:

    @gothix said in PK punishment:

    So your claim is just simply wrong. As wrong as it can be.

    Keep living in denial, bud.

    I have absolutely no reason to prove anything to you; whatever you say and think, you're still going to get mad that Fractured doesn't let you pathetically pick fights you can't lose, you're still going to leave the game because you actually need to be skilled to PK in it, and the rest of us will still keep playing a game that's better without you there.

    Was nice talking to you. o/

    I'm going to tag @Finland too because he said full pvp game can't be an mmo. well Eve Online would like to have a talk to both of you. Eve is alive because of the pvp.


    @benseine said in PK punishment:

    Good thing ppl that like pk and ppl that hate pk are worlds apart in this game and have to go to extreme lengths to reach eachother šŸ˜‰

    the pk people will band together to raid the beast planet. it'll be fun, you should join in.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @jetah EvE omg the only shit example. That game is the ruin of everything.



    it has 500k players and has seen steady growth over the past 10+ years. Clearly they're doing something right.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @jetah yeah making bad attitude players ;). Mostly griefers,toxic comes from there šŸ˜‰

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    Do it runescape style, double edge sword, on one hand the player loses his stuff but the PKer gets mark or something like that



    no mate, those are in all games.. all of them.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @jetah I'm sorry but I have never seen so many morons like from EvE. Mostly of them I met while recruiting on Albion. I just dislike the attitude when they enjoy the kill and steal so much to go global chat to joke about their victims. They really enjoy do that just to make other rosik more. There are really alot of player that enjoy make others enrage/rage quit.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    I think the problem is that a good 50% of the PvP playerbase does not really enjoy PvP. They enjoy the ability to harass other players and pretty much only target people already in combat or crafters and gatherers. They only get into fights where they have a massive advantage and the second you start to turn the tables they run away. They are purposely trying to take enjoyment from other players and are not in it for the skilled combat but rather are just trying to hurt other players to make themselves feel better. That segment of the PvP playerbase though causes a huge rift between the PvE players and any kind of PvP and that is the segment you need to try to punish or wall off.

    I think that is why the system in fractured might work. By heavily debuffing them when they travel to the beast lands and debuffing them when they are in the human lands it stops that kind of behavior outside of their world. The fact that they get debuffed on the PvE world while it's people get buffed means that ganking is not really going to be a think there because it would take multiple people to kill a single person. It will also be easy to run them off since they can't just come back if they die.

    The human world will be similar in that they have a slight disadvantage but not a huge one so that means they definitely will be able to fight and kill people who want to have that risk, but they also take a bigger risk because of the fact that they can't just come back. It limits the griefing you will see because humans won't recklessly kill because of the downsides and demons will not be super common outside of the eclipse events.

    The only real thing I think they need to implement is protected looting on the human world. Make it so that you can loot a percentage of gold and an item if you kill but not full loot and make it have heavy penalties so people think twice about it but you still have that risk. It gives a moderate risk to PvP while keeping the semiPvP aspect. Leave the Full loot to the Demon world where you can contain that chaos to one area so everyone who wants that intense chaotic gameplay can play together.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @Cognitive there are no levels.

    @Gothix I think "losing time" is more about the fact that some activities in mmo are boring (grind, gathering resources etc) but we do them so we can do the more fun things later. In open pvp with full loot you can lose all things gained from the boring part without getting to the fun part. For PvP player it's not a problem - the way he died was the fun part for him. For PvE player it is a problem because he died at the boring part and he will have to repeat it.

    A very unfair for PvE player comparision would be: sheep want to just eat grass, wolf want to eat sheep. You put them both on field of grass and say "now you both can have what you wanted". But that wouldn't be much fun for the sheep šŸ˜‰

    And I hope that you're wrong about there being a large population of people that want to kill others without challenge or consequences.


    somehow I would like that inside the planet of the demons there was a citadel where the PK is forbidden to be able to buy or exchange items with merchants, as for the sanction for the PK it would be cool that there would be debuff so you would be at a disadvantage for doing PK while the guards / NPC chases you to get you out of the planet or in the worst case get you to a jail where you would pay with your loot or gold


    @maethor Demons and eHumans will team up to fight in unfavorable conditions. you tell me i'll fight with a 10% debuff, it's a challenge and i'm sure I can get others to join with me in that fight.

    i'd prefer full loot everywhere. if i can kill you but can't loot you then why play this game? that makes it a con to play as a demon with no compensation.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @maethor you are trying to open an old discussion but I know your point of view and I suggested that months ago. As you can see pvpers or to better say pkers care just to steal loot and kill people on Arboreus. If that will be not achieving for them we'll see a game without some pkers around. Same as if will be a gank fest game they will see an empty game. Anyway I talked alot about this topic ^^


    I've never seen a proposition to actually address the issues in open PVP games. There will always be jerks who get their kicks by killing newbs because they're terrible people.


    Any why should every MMO punish PK?

    Those special sensitive folk ruined plenty of MMOs already.

    You will have your safe space on Beastmen world anyway, since only good aligned chars will be able to travel to part of the zones there.

    (I do not grief or gank myself, but It does go on my nerves seeing people asking for safety in every MMO that comes out. Realize that you are NOT playing single player or CO-OP game. Grow a pair and play like a man.)

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @gothix you are wrong you have 1 planet lawless and 1 half so why bothering about debuffs on the pve planet? Dude the main problem for many is the full loot not the open pvp and there is no point to argue anymore about this. As I said in many threads let everyone play the style they like cause Fractured is not a pvp only.

    Carebears are those that let survive the gaming house ;). EvE is the only exception but that kind of players are all there.


    Realize that you are NOT playing single player or CO-OP game. Grow a pair and play like a man.)

    Play like a man? or do you mean be a man? For sure playing a pc game does not make you a man. If you need a pc game to prove that you are a man there is something wrong. I mostly play to have fun.

    In the MMORPGs the main purpose has been always the dungeon. You have also many things to do. If you like just to get some kills you can go play a moba/rts/fps like I do. People that plays mmo care to do many things. I'm mostly PvEr for example but I have never skipped pvp (instanced). Full loot for many is a waste of time and for some is the only reason to play. For example I don't care to go around a steal things that people had spent lots of time to obtain. We have three planets stop arguing and let everyone play what they like. Debuff on arboreus has been announced, it's not the best choice but I accept it and for sure I'll keep discusing to be sure that pvers or carebears, call hem how you prefer, will get safe end game zones. I want avoid situation like Albion Online were all were forced to go in pvp full loot to do something interesting. I doubt to be the only one that sometimes wanna play to get some relax.

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