Ruined mines
I would like to clarify, it was written in the news that there will be a mine near each city, but will there be a mine in the newly formed city?There will be a proposal for the mines of collapsing cities.
and so, with a decrease in the prestige of the city, it will slowly turn back to the village, meanwhile some monsters will start to appear in the mine (for example, those who feed on ore, or living in the depths of the caves ...) and the more the prestige of the city falls appear more monsters and less resources. (to compensate for difficulties, you can give prestige points for cleaning the mine) and, on the other hand, when you raise prestige, the number of monsters will decrease or disappear.
With the destruction of the city, or degradation of them to the village, I propose to turn the mine into a mini dungeon (the complexity can vary depending on how powerful the city is)
Yes, with less and less people who goes in the mines, it's normal that monsters and other animals tack it back. The idea is interesting, but I didn't see the mines that deep, I don't know if we can turn it into a dungeon ^^ (sure, if a huge city can build something like The Moria in Lord of the Ring, a dungeon will fiit perfectly
I think it would be kind of weird for a mine to be so deep, but it would be interesting if abandoned mines could turn into goblins nests or other monsters.
Could be an interesting idea. I'd think that mines could be deep enough to be mini-dungeon status. Whether we get to a point where they go deep enough to be a Mines of Moria type experience is a whole nother topic imo!
Clearing out the city's mine could be an interesting form of maintenance in addition to the normal upkeep of the buildings and businesses.
@esher The Moria mines! I want to fight a Balrog in fractured :3
- Руда должна быть "редким" ограниченным ресурсом, в том плане, что не нужно делать её в избытке, иначе рыночная цена будет занижена и её будет в принципе очень много. Следовательно образовать новые шахты у городов не целесообразно.
- Я думаю в итоге будет большая нагрузка на сервер. Допустим несколько гильдий, назовём их "Альянс" захотят сделать в своих владениях/ на своей территории данжи. Территория Альянса достойна большая, что позволит им расположить 5 смежных городов, которые они в конечном итоге превратят в данж. Отсюда они получат достаточно большой буст к росту редких ресурсов, а это тоже понизит рыночную стоимость данных материалов.
- Если биом будет иметь в себе редкую руду, которая может быть только в том бимое, то это тоже сделает её избыток, следовательно понизив рыночную стоимость.
Шахтерство - тяжёлый труд, который должным образом должно оценивать. А за счёт системы, которую ты предлагаешь, ты сделаешь из игры гринд, где тот у кого больше возможностей будет в большом плюсе. (дада, это противоречиво, тк с одной стороны цена на металл снизится, а значит он будет более доступным, но с другой стороны данный метод убьёт соло игру).
- Ore should be a "rare" limited resource, in the sense that it is not necessary to do it in excess, otherwise the market price will be underestimated and it will be in principle very much. Therefore, it is not advisable to form new mines in cities.
- I think in the end will be big load on the server. Let a few guilds, we call them "Alliance" wants to do in their possession/ on their territory Dungey. The territory of the Alliance a decent big that will allow them to position 5 adjacent cities, which they eventually turned into a dungeon. From here, they will receive a fairly large boost to the growth of rare resources, and this will also reduce the market value of these materials.
- If the biome will have a rare ore that can only be bigmoe, then it too will make its surplus, thus decreasing market value.
Mining is hard work that should be properly assessed. And due to the system that you offer, you will make a game of grind, where the one who has more opportunities will be in a big plus. (Dada, this is contradictory, since on the one hand the price of metal will decrease, which means it will be more affordable, but on the other hand this method will kill the solo game).
@muker but then I just do not see the point in creating a limited number of mines in certain cities, because they will simply be filled with people who need resources (and thanks to a large number of players there will be problems with resources)
and there is a solution - for example, we have a newly formed city and around it you can form a mine (for this, if you please spend money and resources on the beginning of the excavation), and then allow free expansion of the mine itself (as in reality), will you get into the ore living or not depends on luck. (also include the possibility of a collapse and different events, but this is at the discretion) Depending on the size of the mine, it will become more dangerous, and the amount of resources can be reduced.
@suruq But a balrog is a demon, he's our friend
Don't touch him ! x)
@esher That's actually an interesting comparison, since they are technically corrupted Angels. With the Demon->Angel transformation in game...
@jairone They was really corrupted angels ? I've read the Silmarillon, but I don't remember their origins
@33hp said in Ruined mines:
(...)large number of players there will be problems with resources(...)
I'm not sure if that is necessarily bad? Conflict can arise through shortage of resources and that can drive player interaction. I'd see that as a positive side for multi player games.
Needing to upkeep the mine as part of the city like the other buildings/structures is an interesting idea. I wonder if you would be able to then tax the characters mining to support the upkeep to keep the mine safe and stable. Something like x% of your total mined ore goes to the town's treasury.
I think making it progressively go back to it was over time. Maybe in 5 different settings between taken and lost to the animals of the area. Definitely cool. I just think that if they make the area zone out gradually it will feel more real than if it goes from one state to another.
Well, it would be good if the mines would have many levels. The deeper you get, the more rare ore you can mine, but also the more dangerous monsters you encounter.
The prestige of town could influence the possibility to access each level. The village would have access only to first 2 levels with two types of basic ore and increased amount of easier to kill monsters, while a full fledged town will have access to levels 1-6 (for example), each becoming more and more dangerous.
This way:
a) prestige of town controls the quality of the ore that is available
b) towns have a little bit easier way of mining basic ore (less amount of monster spawns on first levels)
c) rare ore is not easy to grind, will require team-work and taking risks
@dybuk said in Ruined mines:
...The deeper you get, the more rare ore you can mine, but also the more dangerous monsters you encounter.
c) rare ore is not easy to grind, will require team-work and taking risksI like this idea, though I could see the execution of it getting complicated when combined with how extensive the game is already looking to be.
uh what? You mean temporary dungeon from world event?
@esher said in Ruined mines:
@jairone They was really corrupted angels ? I've read the Silmarillon, but I don't remember their origins
That surprised me too, but according to Wikipedia it is so (thus it must be true!
) :
"According to The Silmarillion, the evil Vala Melkor corrupted lesser Maiar (angelic beings) to his service in the days of his splendor before the making of Arda.[3][4] These became known as "Demons of Might": Valaraukar in Quenya, and Belryg[citation needed] in Sindarin; Balrogs is an Anglicised plural of singular Balrog."
@roccandil Hum, I need to read it again x) Hoping it will not give me a headache again