Will have any type of faction system?
Hello all, im very interested about this new game, a faction system will be good for this type of "grind".
The mass PvP in some maps is good for get fun
@neomurdoc said in Will have any type of faction system?:
Hello all, im very interested about this new game, a faction system will be good for this type of "grind".
The mass PvP in some maps is good for get funIt's going to be interesting to see how it plays out
@neomurdoc said in Will have any type of faction system?:
Hello all, im very interested about this new game, a faction system will be good for this type of "grind".
The mass PvP in some maps is good for get funHi neomurdoc! Fractured won't have a "conventional" faction system. However, the three races are in many ways factions already. Demon guilds will likely team up when it's time to invade other planets, Beastmen as well when it's time to protect Arboreus, and so on. Humans, well - you never know about them
@Prometheus We know that humans work only for their own profit, AHAHAH
beast men prob wanna kill all the humans... been that way since every MMO ever!
IMHO, Fractured has to potential to either sink in the norm and follow the "regular" standards of what people already believe "should" be true, or completely create a whole new world. Why do different races necessarily need to be enemies? Something like peace between nations, but devious plans being made behind the scenes excite me wayyyy more. A well made faction system in Fractured can very well be not only intricate but also very meaningful (so it doesn't end up like just another regular MMORPG where we call people faction X and faction Y without meaning behind the faction's identity). Good luck Fractured team!
@Reaper the bad humans perhaps, definitely not all of humanity!
@chrightt I believe that "creating a whole new world" is exactly what we're doing here at Dynamight!
Different races are absolutely not enemies with one another "on principle". The first feature spotlight will shed some light on this too.
Let's be honest here. It's only going to take the humans a few weeks of propagandizing before all of humanity backs a certain strong leader, and begins final solutioning the crap out of the furries.
I wonder how many players will each side have. Also im sure many guys plan to make beastment and after completing all the ability quests on Arboreus (even the "beastmen only" ones), they´ll convert to abomination to collect all the Tartarus quests and go pvp (because as devs said, beastmen are the worst choice for pvp, so they have no other possibility).
Can´t beastmen really participate during invasions? In that case they´re not lawfull/neutral good, but rather true neutral and it´s pretty sad they can´t choose to defend their fellow "goog guys" in fight, only attack them as abominations.
The simplest solution (in case i wanted to help humans) would be to turn to abomination and upon start of "invasion time" teleport to Syndesia and start hunting demons. Little overcomplicated, but would this possibility work ?