Suggestion: Clan Warfare
Please introduce clan warfare into the game (such as Clash of Clans, etc.) after a certain amount of time after launch. This would make the game a lot more competitive and cooperative.
just my 2 cents
I love mmo's that have that
Both in revelations Online and BDO Clan/Guild wars are so entertaining and enthralling to on lookers.
Would clan warfare be direct PvP? Because that could be fun. But also it could be organized as a "war" so that the players aren't flagged when they kill/loot only the enemy guild. The only thing is that the different planets may be a problem if say a demon guild want to "go to war" with a beastman guild. I really like the idea of wars though.
@zeek920 Discussion on this topic already, but since I wasn't involved in it, i will not be able to throw a link to it. The game will be a war for the territory between the guilds, so it will not be boring.
@breadloaf i think it should be objective, point, and PvP based, or maybe even like group PvP. This game could make it really interesting for sure.
@muker sounds good to me, i bet there will still be a lot of stuff to add tho!
I don't know why but for some reason I imagine two guilds worth of players charging into each other
to fight almost chaotically. lol
@breadloaf Guild wars are a major part of Fractured. You'll be able to fight each other over towns, asteroids, etc.
Ok cool, that sounds awesome
The less rules, or structure in PvP, the better.
Just take the reigns off and let players have at each other.
FFA PvP in any zone of importance.
that's tartaros for us. until invasions happen!