Avid computer gamers, what all might a new player expect from a game like this??
As we're still so early on in development it's a hard question to answer in regards to the game play itself.
But I'm hoping for an awesome community driven economy, I want to see a successful Iron Bank RP guild - not like the one that died in Albion Online - I would LOVE to see friendly rivalry between guilds and organised PvP events.
I'm hoping to see very little toxicity but not holding my breath.
Player housing and guild housing is going to be wild and I can't wait to hear more about it.
Fingers crossed for some awesome character creation options.I guess we'll find out
@unbodied welcome aboard new friend. A non gear grind game, a skill based game rather than commons gear based. And obviusly not a common gankbox.
Hello mate
@unbodied Hello, and I'm not a bot, I'm SUPER BOT !
(click the cat) Old version of the post (some complained about the volume
Here is all the information you may need
- How to use tags + (RUS) https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1058/tags
- What is the reputation of the account + (RUS) https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/920/the-reputation-of-the-account/4
- Jobs Fond + (RUS) https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/894/the-tasks-in-the-section-the-foundation
- How to create surveys+ (RUS) and Common features https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1371/testing-forum-features-things/7
- All we know about the game + (RUS) https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1612/a-compilation-of-everything-we-know-about-fractured?page=1
If you have placed a topic in the wrong section, you can write a moder asking it to be moved or deleted.
-Free pre-alpha key will give the top 100 and useful participants ( who have received many awards weeks)
-People who invested in kickstarter can buy the entrance to the alpha or beta test (the improvement of the kickstarter + additional information)
-Kickstarter starts at the end of June and will last 1 month!
-Fractured is still in development. Pre-alpha and alpha version of the game will be available in 4Q 2018
-The game at the time of release will cost 30€ and is B2P
-Who will make kickstarter more than €30 will receive a copy of the game
-Fractured is not going to be on Steam anytime soon. The devs want to make sure the game is really polished before putting it there
-The game will not be on Android and ISO (official FAQ question №5)
-Localization of the game will be on Spanish, (Brazilian) Portuguese, French, German, Russian, Polish and other languages
-The servers will be located in North America, possibly in Europe
FAQ forum+(RUS, ITA, FRA, DE) https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/2421/frequently-asked-questionsPss, I have some interesting things in my profile
Hello Unbodied!