Trading - Cross faction?
i'm curious, will there be trading across factions? Another thing: will you be able to kill your own faction, or only the opposing ones?
There are no factions. As far as I know, anyone is free to trade with anyone else.
If, with factions, you talk about races, I suppose yes, you can trade with the others, a merchant is a merchant
For your second question, it depend of your race and your alignement. If you're a demon, you can kill who you want, you're made for it. If you're a beastman, you can't, unless your alignement is Evil.
It is possible to move resources from one planet to another and trade them
@gx You can trade with everyone. You can not kill good beastmen as good Beast.
@finland said in Trading - Cross faction?:
You can not kill good beastmen as Beast.
In fact you could if the beastman is neutral aligned...
Spotlight #6:When resting on a different planet, you can instead pick Neutral too. By doing so, you are allowed to commit criminal actions that could lower your Karma to the point your home planet and race will start rejecting you,
@gofrit prolly was not obvius that I was talking just about good beast considering you can only born as good beast
I'd write it more precisely and I wouldn't say "You can trade with everyone YOU want".
I'd write "You can trade with everyone who wants to trade with you".
This is sandbox, and most will depend on people, alliances will also not depend on alignment. Good aligned guild and evil aligned guild can very well work together against a third guild which will be their common enemy if they want to.
So while some restrictions are made by game, most restrictions are made by people.
@gofrit said in Trading - Cross faction?:
In fact you could if the beastman is neutral aligned
Good aligned players can't initiate hostile actions against other good or neutral players. Only neutral or evil players can.
@target it's what i said... I answered to @Finland / @gx discuss.
@gx said :Another thing: will you be able to kill your own faction, or only the opposing ones?
@Finland said :
You can not kill good beastmen as Beast. (corrected as Good Beast after my line ^^)
@gofrit said :
In fact you could if the beastman (you play) is neutral aligned...To answer the topic : we could trade with anyone but that topic pop some questions in my mind about npc. So you could do a evil daemon - good beastman trade but if the deamon want to kill you after he could, you not. Trade with a devil is not without risk... is not ?
@gofrit said in Trading - Cross faction?:
So you could do a evil daemon - good beastman trade but if the deamon want to kill you after he could, you not.
Good players can freely attack evil players. They would both be taking a risk.
@target right my mistake ^^ but the beastmen will not be at ease
Thanks for all the info everyone. I guess I had a slight misunderstanding on how the races worked. I thought they were more like factions. But that's cool that your alignment functions that way, and you can interact between races, and intra-racially.