What unusual weapon types would you like to see?



    oh, what if schools had bard styles built in.

    light could have some restoration
    water could have some heal over time or cleanse
    fire could be moral or heat vs cold damage


    Seeing a staff with good animation would be awesome.


    @belwolff said in What unusual weapon types would you like to see?:

    Seeing a staff with good animation would be awesome.

    i'd love to see a staff be used for the casting.


    Some one that likes to play shamans. Some type of totem!


    @dagimir i see very well my character with a spear👍
    It's not very particular but it looks well with my design.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    I would love to see some more unique weapons worked into the game, but I care about most is being able to dual wield. I need me a pair of swords!


    what if all weapon groups did the same damage but a skin (aka magic) was applied to make it look different/unique?

    1h swords would do the same damage. all 2h would do the same. all dual wield would do the same
    1h mace, same with 2h. same with dual wield
    1h hammer, same with 2h. same with dw
    1h daggers, same with dw.
    1h scythes, 2h, dw

    this opens up the game to be more "play what you like visually" instead of play hammers because they have stun even though you really like flails or spears or whips.

    maybe effects, like stuns, could be crafted in instead of innate.


    Huges swords and axes


    @jetah But doing that you lose some mechanics of the game, you do not agree?


    @jetah said in What unusual weapon types would you like to see?:

    what if all weapon groups did the same damage but a skin (aka magic) was applied to make it look different/unique?

    1h swords would do the same damage. all 2h would do the same. all dual wield would do the same
    1h mace, same with 2h. same with dual wield
    1h hammer, same with 2h. same with dw
    1h daggers, same with dw.
    1h scythes, 2h, dw

    this opens up the game to be more "play what you like visually" instead of play hammers because they have stun even though you really like flails or spears or whips.

    maybe effects, like stuns, could be crafted in instead of innate.

    I'd be quite disappointed with that. It just dulls down any sort of game knowledge, strategy, and planning. Decisions will no longer matter ... you could just set a bot on autoplay and that's it. Especially where horizontal progression is at play, you want to give the experienced player, tools that he or she can use to gain the upper hand. The ability to use game knowledge to understand how a certain kit is likely to behave and either equip to counter, or just play around the strengths and weaknesses of that particular kit. Consider a MOBA. You know the kit of your opponent as soon as you see him/her. Without such knowledge, any engagement is narrowed down to who has higher level abilities or slightly better equipment. Maybe, just maybe, better mechanics, like animation canceling could give an edge, but that's just it. No strategy involved.

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    Perhaps not many variations of weapons but being able to modify with cosmetic skins the weapon appearances, (never liked mages restricted to staves and their often simple design) for example, a skin for two handed weapon that may be able to transform the look of a staff into a scythe or a halberd/bardiche



    how so?

    i dont like it when i'm forced to use a specific weapon because of a particular proc. IE hammers sometimes have an innate stun, so using them in pvp is very helpful. if a person can't attack they're likely dead. if the stun could be added on any weapon then the weapon wouldn't matter.


    planning would be how to craft your weapon(s). like I said "maybe effects, like stuns, could be crafted in instead of innate". this game isn't a moba, you aren't locked into your choice till the game is over. you can switch abilities out at any campfire!


    chain weapons like a flail, a melee with some range that hit hard but slower

    alt text


    @vicious Flails hit quite fast. A very strong dueling weapon if you ask me. The reason they weren't very popular is that they require significantly more training to master, and while a poorly trained maceman is still quite efficient, a poorly trained guy with a flail is pretty much useless. There is little expertise today in regards to formation fighting, but my guess is flails wouldn't be very reliable since you need to "chamber" your swings and you might not have room for such actions when fighting in formation. It definitely looks cool though, and is very effective in bypassing your opponent's defense in a duel. so it might be a great addition to the game.


    @jetah Switching weapons at a campfire will be an out of combat activity. So actual combat will be very much similar to a MOBA. Planning, in my opinion has two stages. One is the overall plan before going out for adventure. You plan your general objectives and equip according to what you expect to encounter. Obviously, the more game knowledge you have, the better your decisions will be. A second stage of planning happens as you identify a threat. You look at an opponent, and you should be able to identify what that opponent will be throwing at you. This is where the type of weapon they are wielding becomes important. Not being able to get a general idea of their fighting threat just by looking at the gear, means you completely erase this decision making process since at this point you will no longer have time to click and inspect the attributes of their gear. So all encounters will be reduced to... dish out your rotation and hope for the best. No room for outplays, baits, or any other sort of creative combat.


    I'd definetely like to see saber-like weapons. No, not lightsabers. One-handed, single-bladed curved swords. Curved. Swords.

    They're agile weapons that can be dual-wielded with way more effectiveness than a common longsword.

    I'd like to see the correct naming of swords in the game (most what games depict as longswords are actually arming swords or broadsword, and what they call "greatswords" are actually longswords... weird).

    Poleaxes, poleswords and what Dark Souls calls Curved Greatswords for a still dexterous fighter who'd like to two-hand instead of dual-wield.


    still a very under used genre in mmorpg



    Whether it's an arming sword or a saber, dual wielding isn't really as great as popular culture makes it out to be.

    When it comes to dual wielding, I really hope we'll see the form of dual wielding that was actually often used in real life, ie. A rapier & parrying dagger combo. Rapiers in general deserve a lot more love than games usually give them.

    Then there's the really fun stuff, like blade-breaker daggers. Historically accurate and extremely badass-looking, yet ignored by most games.

    If Fractured lets me use a rapier and a parrying dagger together, I'm definitely going to throw my money at this game.


    Staff´s i love mages


    Bo, jo, bokken, rapiers, falcatas, gladios.. More "realistic" or "historical" weapons are interesting ^^.

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