@nelchael Dual wielding isn't much of a culture because it takes a lot of training and room for maneuver. In a realistic situation that does not apply but to me dual wielding longswords looks actually stupid because the weapon is supposed to be held with both hands, not with a single one. Still it'd be nice to proper dual wielding weapons too, or just dual wielding paired, proper one-handed weapons anyway. Regardless of being realistic it looks cool, and we have DEMONS in this game. Rule of cool takes place, it's just in my opinion, two longswords aren't cool.
Best posts made by Tyrfang
Latest posts made by Tyrfang
RE: What unusual weapon types would you like to see?
RE: What unusual weapon types would you like to see?
I'd definetely like to see saber-like weapons. No, not lightsabers. One-handed, single-bladed curved swords. Curved. Swords.
They're agile weapons that can be dual-wielded with way more effectiveness than a common longsword.
I'd like to see the correct naming of swords in the game (most what games depict as longswords are actually arming swords or broadsword, and what they call "greatswords" are actually longswords... weird).
Poleaxes, poleswords and what Dark Souls calls Curved Greatswords for a still dexterous fighter who'd like to two-hand instead of dual-wield.
A wild Tyrfang has appeared!
Hey! A friendly silly-faced shark lurking around has joined your community! Hope I can help shape Fracture into something better every day.
I saw the blog post about combat skill types and I noticed Martial Arts, Warfare and Assassination. Martial Arts = monks, warfare = warriors and assassination = well, assassins, I gathered that much.
But how about dexterous warriors? Blademaster types? The kind who fight with agility and grace and lighter armor, evading attacks and deflecting them rather than stopping them on a shield or armor. Will that be covered in Assassination? I hope I didn't misread the article, and if I did, well, I'm not perfect.
If that hasn't been considered, how about it? We could have a Warfare skill type and a Blademastery skill type, meaning two very different kinds of warriors. Just some thought!