How to sell/buy crafted item in game ?
I see some discussion about auction but what about this things :
1 - a player shop
2 - a guild shop to guilders
3 - a guild shop open to players.
In many game I see different use of the auction house (linked between all cities/not linked...) but It was very very rare to see this 3 solutions.1 - a player shop : On an openworld, a shop could be anywhere, imagine a player who construct is own boutique, where stuff are shown (I see some thief lurking here).
2 - a guild shop to guilders : in general, a guild has a safe where you could put in/take out with rights but hasn't selling system between guild's members. This system could facilitate transaction beetwen members without spamming the canal guild (and some % of gold could go to the guild, and last% to the player)
3 - And what about to open a guild shop on a city or in the guild place (if it exist) ? It could be very fun to guilds to play with offer/demand when other guilds are front of them on the same market, or to specialize (remember guild system in "Log Horizon" for example).What do you think ?
@gofrit So like so and want to do. And still have the NTC sellers can end goods as and user.
@gofrit In another thread I also suggested something Guild to Guild. I would like to see a merchant caravan transporting stuff from the Guild A market to the Guild B marked. Ofc and Unprotected caravan could be a loss, there would be a nice activity to protect and escort
@finland said in How to sell/buy crafted item in game ?:
@gofrit In another thread I also suggested something Guild to Guild. I would like to see a merchant caravan transporting stuff from the Guild A market to the Guild B marked. Ofc and Unprotected caravan could be a loss, there would be a nice activity to protect and escort
We also discussed the work of mercenaries as workers to protect caravans
@Finland Remind me "Silk Road" or "Archeage"
@gofrit yup silk road somehow.
@gofrit In the profile editor also features work as for the forum, so do a link to your Guild [name].(link)
Speaking of mercenaries to protect caravans. Please keep in mind Glims Mercenaries. My guild would love to help protect caravans or merchants.
@muker How do you create a link to the guild?
@whoatethecat You go to the profile editor where he wrote the text> where the name of the Guild square brackets, where the link round
@whoatethecat like for posts. [name]followed by (link)
I just don’t want a shop system like ESO where you need to be in a guild to sell stuff. A personal shop or a guild shop open to everyone would be nice. Also it could be something like a city auction house.
i hate player shops that have to be afk. i want to play the game not buy a 2nd account to sell things.
i want a NPC at my house and a local Broker that can search for goods, buy said goods but then I have to pick them up.
- this allows a parcel service to exist where a player could pay another player to carry the goods to them or a place.
I don't mind an Auction but it'd have to be for some rare items.
I would like Auction houses in different cities and NO central/main AH. Central AH's generally make everyone to ignore the other cities/markets in the game.
I hope they deal with the black market in other ways
@coolburn Agree. No main AH. That really does cut down on travel.
@coolburn said in How to sell/buy crafted item in game ?:
I would like Auction houses in different cities and NO central/main AH. Central AH's generally make everyone to ignore the other cities/markets in the game.
Yeah I don't like it also. With independant AH it give the possibilities to have cool mechanic game ! A merchandise run between Tartaros and Arboreus would be very fun !
What kind of stuff could you sell? Like just basic or could it get to like people or animals saying you're the demons
@kansei You can sell evertything droppable/craftable/gatherable I doubt that you can sell Humanoids/Characters.