Fractured Mounts
What's everyone's theories on mounts and how they're gonna work!! TBH i play mmos for mounts so i hope that we get some sexy ones
@bomber Sorry for the indiscreet question, but are you excited by big animals?
No offense xD
@bomber Normally, mount will have no other role than to make you go faster ^^ No combat mount or something else (don't remember if they can carry your goods if you travel to sell them or if you need "special" mounts for it (a donkey, for example)
@esher thats kind of sad acctually. Its nice to be able to base your character around mounts/pets especially when you can collect the rarest animals and have a lot of extra damage without other players. And youd think that if your mount was a dragon it would at least breathe fire. Idk maybe i just like the idea of a beast master but i would find it boring to only have horses or something.
There will be combat pets in Fractured, so I imagine you could probably do a beastmaster build. We already know that your Charisma stat affects how many pets you can have with you.
if we have weight, we can have caravans or pack mules. if we have sieges then we can have siege animals (think elephants, rhinos, etc). If we have siege animals we could have mounted combat!
with an open loot game we could steal the mounts or kill them!
Mounted combat is not planned for Fractured. Mounts will be used for speed out of combat - and yes, @Bomber, there will be a good variety. Not only horses @Vulcan
You can already see a few in The Foundation!
Pets are a completely different story, they can fight and you can totally make a "beastmaster" build based on pets like @Nelchael mentioned!
To many games have no mounted combat. Please consider it post launch via an expansion.
@jetah I don’t tgink mounted combat in a game like this would be easy to do nor would it go smoothly. What advantages would it have? If you would really like it to be implemented, I suggest you give examples, reasons and ideas as to why they should put it in the game.
It's something I'd like to see as well, if at all possible. A guild war is always better with cavalry.
As for how it could work, here's a quick idea: a mounted player gains access to a special skillbar with two abilities (to keep it simple), a light and a heavy attack basically. They hit decently hard, but they have long cooldowns, so the player has to retreat and wait for the cooldown to finish after a successful charge.
In the case of ranged weapons, they should get large penalties to accuracy. Otherwise, a ranged player who can outrun everyone would be too OP.
To keep it balanced, when a mounted player who has his weapon out gets hit, there's a chance he could get knocked off his mount, dealing serious damage and stunning him for a few seconds.
This way, it's a situational advantage: if you're in an open field, going for a mounted charge is a good strategy, as long as you can keep the enemy from knocking you off. If you're in an enclosed area, like a dungeon or a dense forest, you can't retreat while your skills are on cooldown, so it's easy for the enemy to surround you and knock you off.
uh, well consider ranges, and melee both used mounts then I'd say look at any history description of mounted combat and apply it. I shouldn't have to explain it as history already did it.
I would love to ride a giant chicken esqe mount to ride into glorious combat!... or from town to town probably just town to town
I hope there is a huge variety and can customize
I would love very different kind of mounts.
Lizards, birds, bears, wolves,...
Maybe a hippogriff or griffon, but only if we can also fly.A beastmaster build looks quite fun though.
I'mguessing beast men have the animal forms?
@axan22 They can also ride mounts.
I think the problem with mounted combat would be in situations like sieges or larger battles the side with just a few bigger “combat” mounts would have a very unfair advantage unless they implemented some large ballista style weapons but i think it would “meta” combat very quickly
@crowest If they can develop some kind of system that rivals the skill system in complexity, while only being supportive of those playing without mounts would be cool with me.
powerful mounts could work both ways. the defenders could cast a confuse on the mount which then stumbles around injuring or killing friendlies. maybe we have a mind control skill that could be used to overtake the mount and use it to attack the attackers.
Beautiful lizard ponies