Game Idea : Relic War (PVP) and other game mode

  • @zwiterion said in Game Idea : Relic War (PVP):

    What if we set asside guild and alignement and we go for guild or player god. Each temple could be claim in the name of a god and anyone who follow the path of this god would get the buff and have to fight for it ? this would lead to 6 factions, if i remember well.

    If it was deity based, that would bring the system back onto an interplanetary scale which just won't work in Fractured. And as Gothix pointed out, it would fracture guilds. It would also essentially make demons one faction which is probably something other races want to avoid encouraging.

    @Finland This is an inherently pvp system because it comes from a pvp game (Aika). The title even mentions this is for pvp. It wouldn't translate well into pve. What you're suggesting with control points is another thing entirely, and I'm not necessarily against it, it's just beside the discussion.



    Then it's still not PvP, since there wouldn't be any real fighting at any point. To fight, you need an attacking team and a defending team. With no defending team, it's just attackers spending five minutes to get the buff and move on, only for attackers from the other team to get it back in five minutes. Which is possible, sure, it just seems mind-numbingly boring to me to have a series of completely one-sided battles. There'd be no risk for the attackers at all unless they stub their toes on the way there.


    It would definitely force guildmates against each other, true. That sounds like an interesting thing to see actually, but it might be irritating for the players in some cases, and some would for sure decide to just follow the same god to make things simpler.

    For those reasons, I'm personally all for making this GvG, but if the third option is Good vs Evil, I'd accept Religion vs Religion as a compromise.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @gothix Instead keep sugesting GvG/Hardcore solution try to find a solution to let casuals and solo players join those kind activities. Cause It's what I'm trying to do.


    @finland said in Game Idea : Relic War (PVP):

    @gothix Instead keep sugesting GvG/Hardcore solution try to find a solution to let casuals and solo players join those kind activities. Cause It's what I'm trying to do.

    I did, read my previous post. 🙂

    @gothix said in Game Idea : Relic War (PVP):

    There could be some other FFA objectives and puzzles, both PvE and PvP, or mix, that award player(s) that did them with personal buffs that have an expiration timer.

    Player runs around doing his tasks, and sees a nice puzzle. Perhaps other players in area are also trying to solove it for themselves. Perhaps there will even be conflict, if they cant agree to work together.

    Whoever solves a puzzle, or wins an objective gets a personal timed buff.

    This, for example, fits much more in for solo style event, than that "relic thingie". 🙂


    @gothix Maybe guild could have the option to set a main god (maybe the one of the leader of the guild) to give a flavor to the guild (like an identity). that chosen god will then affect the buff effect and temple claiming system. Soo when their is a relic war people of a guild could gather around their leader and fight for him. But player would still be free to choose their on way and god (but the individual choice of god won’t affect the buff).

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @target Well the original idea is not mine, I would like to see controll point, capture the falg, escort pvp events like a battleground in open world considering that none of you want intanced things. At the same time I do not want those things to be restricted to guilds.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @gothix You are suggesting something totally different. The nice part is that someone can remove your buff.


    @zwiterion said in Game Idea : Relic War (PVP):

    @gothix Maybe guild could have the option to set a main god (maybe the one of the leader of the guild) to give a flavor to the guild (like an identity). that chosen god will then affect the buff effect and temple claiming system. Soo when their is a relic war people of a guild could gather around their leader and fight for him. But player would still be free to choose their on way and god (but the individual choice of god won’t affect the buff).

    Hmm, I would avoid using the same gods then. Perhaps a system that exists alongside gods, like a series of banners, green banner, red banner, etc. that just exist for temple/relic system.

    Then guilds decide what banner they follow as guild, and solo players that are outside of guilds can decide this as well. And then everyone tries to give advantage to own banner.

    I guess that could also work.


    @gothix That would effectively be a great idea

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @gothix That's a nice idea and could work also for other mechanincs like controll points, escort, capture the flag, and so on. Thank you for suggesting something not GvG related but something more apetizing for casuals.


    Players agreeing on stuff after long and difficult discussion.

    Players cheering and drinking beer together, celebrating agreement, life is good!

    Prometheus stepping in: Hi guys! All this, great stuff! But - no.


  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @gothix it would not surprise me but I love to dream!

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    How manage the objectives lorewise?

    • Players can choose an order to fight for (for example: A, B, C).
    • If a player is inside a guild he will fight for the guild's order (for example: A, B, C).
    • The nomenclature of the orders must not be linked to the Karma/Alignments/Planets/Races so it will not affect the choice of the players.
    • It should be limited on regions

    What kind of games we could implement?

    • Relic War - Player must detain the relics inside their Order Temple. The relics are 5 in total. A temple can detain a maximum of 3 relics. Temple are buildable and upgradable structures (temple guard, fortification and traps). This way to involve players to invest resources to repair and maintain it. The Temples are located equally distant from each other in the region (Equilateral triangle). The relics can be stolen, but only once at time. If a player is holding a relic nobody else of that order will be allowed to pick another relic until that player will deliver it in the respective Temple. If the player carrying the relic gets killed, he will drop the relic that can be looted. The Temple holding the relics will grant a buff to all players of that order in the region. The buff will be multiplied for each relic (for example if you hold 2 relics you will get 2% extra damage and so on). The relics spowns initally randomly in the region.
    • Relic Hunter - Players must acquire relics to asseble and idol that will grant a buff. Relics should be found inside temples located in that region. Each order has the relics with an unique appearance. The idol must be placed in the middle of the region inside a Sanctuary. Once placed will grant a buff to all players of that order. The idol can be destroyed.
    • Controll Points - Players should take the controll of certain points. To conquer them you will need to stay within a specific area for a certain period of time. Once conquered everyone of that order will get a buff.
    • Tibute War - Players will need to collect specific resources from the region. These resources must be donated as a tribute to the spirit of that region. In this way the spirit will award us with a buff. The buff has a maximum duration (for example: 10 mins). Only one buff can be active at time.
    • Ancient Sponws - Players will have to capture spirits. These spirits spowns randomly in the region. The spirits looks differently according to the order (for example: infernals, fallen champion, Lost wild animal ). After summoning(A)/freeing(B)/purifying(C) some ancient spowns the players will get the buff. The buff has a maximum duration. Only one buff can be active per time.
    • Capture the flag
    • Escort - A merchant to be rewarded with gold, A crafter to be rewarded with crafting components, A farmer to be rewarded with seeds, A shepherd to be rewards with puppies, A miner to be rewarded with minerals/ore, A lumberjack to be rewarded with planks, An hunter to be rewarded with fur/hides or a scavanger to be rewarded with relics.


    Nice idea!



    For the Relic war, i was thinking of relics that would not be destructible. The main goal would be to steal the relic of the other order and then bring it to your order temple to get the buff (and also defend it once its there). Then the number of relic kept by an order would be limited soo they would have to choose wisely the one they think its worth to defend.

    Also, the hability to upgrade your temple (temple guard, fortification and traps) and maybe the relic to some extent (upgrade of relic could disapear if it get stole) would be nice. Also, the upgrade of the temple could be destructible so an order would have to invest to repair and maintain it.

    All the other idea for game seem nice.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @zwiterion if you steal a relic that's just like a capture the flag concept don't you think? We could drop the relic steal mechanic in that kind of game type. I will edit it once I get on pc 😉

    Edited the RECAP


    @finland Love the ideas. Hope some of them get implemented.



    In some aspect it could be like capture the flag (with the mechanic of stealing and taking back a relic). But i think with the player management of temple, the buff system and the fact that there is more than one relic (with different buff) give the relic war a good flavour.


    Plus, at least for me, I much prefer a relic providing some buff than a flag. While in essence they are basically the same thing, it just feels different for me.


    It could be done, I like this.

    I imagine the following. Benefits of the relic:

    • As they say before, to involve all kinds of players, it should be by alignment.

    • Should give benefits without advantages in the battles, I see something like some kind of% that benefits the collection of materials and obtaining materials from the flora and fauna of the game. (dugeons, boss, raids, mobs, etc ...)

    • should be applied 3 times a day at the most. that is to say that the benefit lasts 2 hours, and is activated, "for example", at 8 a.m., 3 p.m. and 11 p.m. This would give a global war at that time, where each faction of alignment seeks its benefit and allows the organization of the defense of whoever possesses it and the attack organization of those who want it, since the time is foreseen.

    beforehand, sorry for my English, I hope you understand what I say.

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