Traveling to and from terra and crystal requirements

  • After my experience last night trying to get off Terra after going there with a friend I have some suggestions.

    I went to Terra when a guild mate opened the portal for us. After I was done there I spent an hour and fifty minutes searching for the crystals required to leave.

    Feeling trapped on a continent because you wanted to experience new content and gating access back to your home seems like a poor player experience and if I was a more casual gamer it definitely would have been a sticking/quiting point for me.

    I really don’t understand the idea between gating the area behind a rare resource at all especially because it is the point between the PVE and pvp zone and would allow people to try different content.

    Bare minimum allowing people to travel from terra back to the main zone freely would at least reasonable.

  • Moderator

    IMO the problem is different.
    There is already a restriction in place to avoid that a player with new player protection opens the gate, cause indeed it would be trapped on the other side.
    There should be the same also for traversing it. You shouldn't cross it without having an estabilished char.

  • If your guild mate opened it for you and didn't warn you about the difficulty of getting back, they kinda screwed you.

    As more time passes the crystals needed to open the gate will become more common and cheaper so I'm not sure if the problem described here needs "fixed" or just needs more time.

    Personally, I'd like to see an option for an individual or individual with a cart use the Stargate for much less crystals than it currently requires (3-5?). This would not fully open the gate for anyone to use and would just transport that single person.

  • I mean if the issue is making sure new players who don’t want to end up in the PvP zone don’t end up in the PvP zone why don’t they just have a big pop up messages double and triple checking that the player wants to cross.

    I still feel like having some rare resource requirement that took a new player hours to find with limited instruction is a sort of poor game design choice. It was pretty frustrating want to go back to my plot but being trapped and unable to find a spawn.

  • Content Creator

    1. going to a new area through like a Stargate, a player should right off the bat realize they may get stuck there for awhile.
    2. as they really want to limit travel between worlds, especially for newer players, the limited rare resource requirement is there for a purpose.
    3. The initial plan for the game not only included such limitations, but also penalties for characters when they weren't on their 'home-worlds' World travel is supposed to be a rarer, late game thing. The Devs offered some teleporting over to Terra only because there was a load imbalance with so many on Syndesia at launch compared to Arborea and it was a 'band-aid' kinda thing. You'll find if your still under New player protection, you can't even open the Stargate even if you find the crystals.

  • @GamerSeuss

    Perhaps it was just a mistake of thinking it was the next logical step in pre process as my guild mates were going there but most of those people are rushing end game etc.

  • seems to work fine for me


    The Shire has some for sale. As do other cities. Dont be a cheaparse and support the broken as it is

  • @DarthJafo most the times I have seen crystals for sale they are like 200gp each paying 4K to travel back and forth is crazy to me.


    Lol 200 is dirt cheap. In betas i sold them for 3k each.


    Not sure why I'm seeing comments as of late about removing the requirement for stargates when it's not harsh in the slightest. It needs only twenty energy crystals which are easily obtained from primal crystals on Terra, and they are quite affordable once you've strengthened yourself enough to take on CR 3-5 NPCs for gold.

    I'm currently on my own, and I already have approximately 300 of them. On Terra, they spawn in the same fashion as camps and persist long enough to generate at least 20-60 energy crystals, depending on how long the energy and primal crystals have been there. Aerhen can only naturally obtain them from the legend known as the Colossal Crystalline Construct.

    The stargates already prevent young players from activating them which should be enough of an indicator that they should not cross until they have a stable footing on the planet they're on—the only exception being wanting to migrate to Terra from Aerhen because of Aerhen's players making the lands too difficult to survive on.

    As time moves forward, these energy crystals will become much more common as players collect them from Terra and the Colossal Crystalline Construct on Aerhen.


    Its already hard to find a node that isnt camped. Even harder to come upon a node and not get swarmed. Common etiquette would suggest that if someone is already there move on. Does no one any good to only get 2/10

    in one hour of just doing bandits on the beach (chests, not HS) i made almost 3k. Lazy people will be lazy i guess


    @DarthJafo, I don't have that much difficulty finding primal crystals (most, I find on accident) unless I'm searching for them near populated settlements, and I've seen too many people loot the ten energy crystals on the ground once then leave them because they don't know that primal crystals generate them every 4.5 minutes.

    As for being swarmed, which I assume you mean by NPCs, again... not an issue I've had on the western side of Terra but I suppose the eastern side may be different (for people having trouble killing NPCs there if they do get unlucky primal crystal spawns).

    Of course, when Fractured gains more traction and players learn more about how the primal crystals work, this will change and the primal crystals truly will be contested—possibly enough that the devs may have to tweak them—yet will result in there being more energy crystals in supply and the stargate being opened much more often, but right now, they're not that challenging to find and collect.

    Those on Aerhen have more difficulty getting ahold of them than those on Terra, but luckily for them, those collecting them on Terra are bringing them to Aerhen while repeatedly opening a two-way portal along the way.


    No, swarmed by players. If i see someone already camped at one, i leave and find another. Then again, i have 218 currently on me

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