The Mega Balancing Patch
Hi everyone,
The biggest rebalancing patch in the history of Fractured Online is coming... and the news don't stop there! Come have a look!
A pretty long one, eh? Enjoy!
balance hype woot
Where do we post feedback?
Here is fine
I think crushing shout and split earth(used close to hit with all three splits) still do a bit too much damage on clothies.
I need to test other abilities but maybe the solution is to buff clothies defense a little bit.
@Tor I believe that split earth is not meant to hit the same target with multiple effects.
@spoletta Ok so then its the insect swarm effect
I like the fact that I get rewarded for up close usage tho.
Mages suffer too much from the relocate change. literally any root usage as a "spelldagger" type build will lock them down forever even with the cc nerfs. Maybe change relocate back to no cast time if used with light armor? just an idea
Cloth spellcasters who find themselves next to a hammer-wielding brute should die quickly, it is why they have relocate. Better armor for them / less damage from split earth isn't needed, they already have a defense - don't stand next to the damage factory.
@MidniteArrow said in The Mega Balancing Patch:
Maybe, problem is the instant ranged stun of crushing shout. After it they get chain cc'd
Anyways, split earth was confirmed bugged by Prometheus on the discord yesterday evening. Its only supposed to hit once.
@spoletta Instead of 3 projectiles, split earth could be changed so that it is more like a typical cone, and the damage could increase based on distance from target. So it would be a disincentive to not melee-engage the tank. Less damage close up, more damage further away.
I can also block Split Earth with a shield, not sure if that is intended.
@MidniteArrow shouldnt it be other way around? Typically closer up targets will have more protection anyways.
I'm not trying to say anything about "should" here. Just saying, if the goal is to make tanks a thing, then giving them something does a lot of damage at distance, but not much close-up, is one way to do that.
frost, health and glass barrier stacking seems a bit opressive at the moment
yeah been trying mages, cant do anything against melees with these standtimes.
@Tor have to build 4 defensives, no points left to deal damage, run out of mana, stand still to cast, die
To be fair, most warrior builds right now would run out of mana too.
They are abusing the mandrake elixirs to avoid caring about it.
Nice news!!