Crafting and Gear


    Alright, so I know in a number of the dev blogs have talked about resources and about crafting the knowlwdge tomes for memorized abilities, but I have yet to see crafting mentioned more than just in passing.

    • Does crafting work like other MMOs and RPGs where you are restricted to a set number of crafting skills or profession?

    • Can every player craft every item and use every type of resource or do you have to rely on other players and NPCs for certain items?

    • Will dungeons and such *always *provide items better than what can be crafted? If so how do pure PvP players stay on an equal playing field with those PVE players?

    • Does the allignment system have anything to do with who can trade with who in terms of resources or items? Will Demon players have a harder time getting new skills because of this?

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  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @rainstorm26 said in Crafting and Gear:

    Can every player craft every item and use every type of resource or do you have to rely on other players and NPCs for certain items?

    You need to travel alot to gather all kind of resources.

    @rainstorm26 said in Crafting and Gear:

    Will dungeons and such *always *provide items better than what can be crafted? If so how do pure PvP players stay on an equal playing field with those PVE players?

    I doubt that dungeons will drop items. "Player drive Economy" so crafting will be crucial.

    @rainstorm26 said in Crafting and Gear:

    Does the allignment system have anything to do with who can trade with who in terms of resources or items? Will Demon players have a harder time getting new skills because of this?

    For demons will be hard gather Arboreous resources and vice versa for beastmen will be hard to gather resources on Tartaros. I doubt the trade will have restrinctions. For sure steal equip will be a good source of profit for mostly evil players.

    @rainstorm26 said in Crafting and Gear:

    Does crafting work like other MOMs and RPGs where you are restricted to a set number of crafting skills or profession?

    I hope to see a progression to unlock more recipe and at te same thime I hope that there will be no limitation on the number of profession you can do.

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @rainstorm26 said in Crafting and Gear:

    Alright, so I know in a number of the dev blogs have talked about resources and about crafting the knowlwdge tomes for memorized abilities, but I have yet to see crafting mentioned more than just in passing.

    Does crafting work like other MMOs and RPGs where you are restricted to a set number of crafting skills or profession?

    Can every player craft every item and use every type of resource or do you have to rely on other players and NPCs for certain items?

    Will dungeons and such *always *provide items better than what can be crafted? If so how do pure PvP players stay on an equal playing field with those PVE players?

    Does the allignment system have anything to do with who can trade with who in terms of resources or items? Will Demon players have a harder time getting new skills because of this?

    Hi @rainstorm26, a few quick answers:

    1. No, you're not restricted. You can learn to craft pretty much everything, but you need to learn how - and that, as @Finland mentioned, requires travelling to different regions and planets. I'm pointing to learning because you could theoretically get all the resources you need by trading with other players - but knowledge you have to find yourself :slight_smile:
    2. See answer 1. Aside from a few exceptions such as steam technology which is Human-only, you could craft everything yourself. Considering several resources are unique to a specific region of a specific planet, however, trading is a pretty much a must.
    3. Dungeons generally don't provide equipment directly - you can find special resources for crafting or other items through which you can enchant existing pieces. It all passes through crafting sooner or later!
    4. Alignment doesn't restrict with whom you can trade directly - but it restricts how hard it is to travel to certain locations, how big is the risk you're taking, etc 😉


    @prometheus said in Crafting and Gear:

    @rainstorm26 said in Crafting and Gear:

    Alright, so I know in a number of the dev blogs have talked about resources and about crafting the knowlwdge tomes for memorized abilities, but I have yet to see crafting mentioned more than just in passing.

    Does crafting work like other MMOs and RPGs where you are restricted to a set number of crafting skills or profession?

    Can every player craft every item and use every type of resource or do you have to rely on other players and NPCs for certain items?

    Will dungeons and such *always *provide items better than what can be crafted? If so how do pure PvP players stay on an equal playing field with those PVE players?

    Does the allignment system have anything to do with who can trade with who in terms of resources or items? Will Demon players have a harder time getting new skills because of this?

    Hi @rainstorm26, a few quick answers:

    1. No, you're not restricted. You can learn to craft pretty much everything, but you need to learn how - and that, as @Finland mentioned, requires travelling to different regions and planets. I'm pointing to learning because you could theoretically get all the resources you need by trading with other players - but knowledge you have to find yourself :slight_smile:
    2. See answer 1. Aside from a few exceptions such as steam technology which is Human-only, you could craft everything yourself. Considering several resources are unique to a specific region of a specific planet, however, trading is a pretty much a must.
    3. Dungeons generally don't provide equipment directly - you can find special resources for crafting or other items through which you can enchant existing pieces. It all passes through crafting sooner or later!
    4. Alignment doesn't restrict with whom you can trade directly - but it restricts how hard it is to travel to certain locations, how big is the risk you're taking, etc 😉

    Good to know. Thank you for taking the time to go about answering all of my questions! I look forward to seeing what it's like come launch. Get to see just how hard it is to get those precious resources.


    @Prometheus Two questions on the matter:

    1. How important will RNG be in crafting? Will knowledge and materials guarantee success? Or will you also need to be lucky?
    2. Will there be any outcome difference between an average skill craftsmen and a high skill craftsmen creating the exact same item? (small stats increments maybe)

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @darian said in Crafting and Gear:

    How important will RNG be in crafting? Will knowledge and materials guarantee success? Or will you also need to be lucky?
    Will there be any outcome difference between an average skill craftsmen and a high skill craftsmen creating the exact same item? (small stats increments maybe)

    1. There will be very little RNG in general. Consider also that Fractured's equipment is not about power gaps, but situational.
    2. There will be a difference, although moderate!


    @darian said in Crafting and Gear:

    @Prometheus Two questions on the matter:

    1. How important will RNG be in crafting? Will knowledge and materials guarantee success? Or will you also need to be lucky?
    2. Will there be any outcome difference between an average skill craftsmen and a high skill craftsmen creating the exact same item? (small stats increments maybe)

    what is RNG crafting?

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @lohen random number generator. So it's related on how you develop it. It could be a % of success/insuccess to craft something or a % to craft a rare piece or a % to craft a thing with better stats than normal. Things like that are defined RNG


    @finland ahhh thanks
    just doesnt know the short word


    @prometheus Thanks! It makes sense for a game where gear should be relatively easy to get. Just wanted to be certain. Since I've kind of grown to dislike RNG. Esp. after playing the likes of BDO.

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