Master pugilist talent not giving unarmed damage based on dex as intended
When comparing damage output with the talent "Master Pugilist" having 7 str and 19 dex I get the same damage output no matter if I have that talent or not.
It is supposed to use dex to determin damage instead of str, but it seems like it still uses str and the damage output is very low. The Bashing Property seems to work as intended.
@Mudz They have said that not all the talents have fully been implemented yet. Even those who have a full tooltip. They are still working on this.
@GamerSeuss Where did they post it? It would be good to know which ones are not done so we know what should be considered bugs and what should not. I expected thisone was done as the bashing property part of it was working as intended.
@Mudz They didn't post it or a list of which weren't completed, Prometheus just mentioned it on the related video. Goes along with when he mentioned not all the tooltips and info screens had been updated yet
@Mudz @GamerSeuss all talents whose tooltip doesn't say "under implementation" should be working. This is a bug
@Prometheus Thanks for confirming
Waiting eagerly for a fix so I can start punching things with my bare hands