Siege Bugs
1. The siege timer starts when the siege tent is completed.(Turns out the siege tent just happened to be completed exactly at the 10PM start time of the declared siege.-
You cannot build the Siege Banners (see screenshot) -
The 72 Hour timer is still in place.
Even if the guild leader doesn't start the siege, the guild leader must accept attackers at the siege tent. (Not sure if intended)
The siege tent on the world map only appears for the guild leader.
The siege timer on a city is only viewable once the siege is declared. This time shows in the UTC timezone at the Siege Tent even if the player is declaring a siege on an EST timed city. (See screenshot) -
Catapult is the built siege equipment however when unpacked it's labeled a Trebuchet. -
You can load a catapult with stone then pack it again. All stone is gone after doing this. POOF!
Thanks a lot for the report!
- Definitely a bug, an admin will fix your banners.
- Bug, seems that temporary change wasn't committed.
- Another bug, Officers of the attacking guild should be able to accept as well.
- The siege tent and banners should be visible to all attackers and defenders. Are you sure they're visible only to the guild leader, who by the way wasn't the person who declared the siege?
- Not a bug, countdowns are always displayed using UTC time... but there's a piece of text missing on top in the screenshot eheh.
- Nice catch, we'll rename everything to Trebuchet.
- It should give out a warning if you try to pack it when loaded, will fix, sorry for that!
@Prometheus said in Siege Bugs:
Thanks a lot for the report!
- The siege tent and banners should be visible to all attackers and defenders. Are you sure they're visible only to the guild leader, who by the way wasn't the person who declared the siege?
The siege tent and banners are visible, but it is the siege tent map icon that seems to be bugged. My character declared the siege and placed the tent, but nothing shows on the world map for me, meanwhile when Nekrage opens his map then the siege tent icon shows on the location. The siege tent icon on the MINI-MAP shows for me, but not on the world map.
Thanks for the prompt response!
@Harleyyelrah said in Siege Bugs:
The siege tent and banners are visible, but it is the siege tent map icon that seems to be bugged. My character declared the siege and placed the tent, but nothing shows on the world map for me, meanwhile when Nekrage opens his map then the siege tent icon shows on the location. The siege tent icon on the MINI-MAP shows for me, but not on the world map.
That's because you are not an attacker - you're the initiator and the future governor in case of victory, but not a combatant
You need to sign up at the siege tent like everyone else.
We're going to make the world map icons visible to everyone by the way, it doesn't make much sense on the minimap they're already that way but on the world map they're just for combatants
Harleyyelrah TF#7 - AMBASSADOR May 28, 2021, 8:46 AM last edited by Harleyyelrah May 28, 2021, 8:50 AM
Ah I see!
By the way, is it intended that only the leader of a group of settlers can declare a siege? I understand the need for having settlers to become new citizens in case of the attackers' conquest, but the way this system is currently set up means that a current governor will never be able to declare a siege, since they cannot make a settlers' group due to already being a governor. Would it be possible to change the system so that a governor can declare siege from the town hall after a settlers' group has also been formed at the town hall? It seems weird that currently only a vice-governor would be able to make a settlers' group and then declare siege from the town hall.
(Of course the situation is different with guilds declaring siege on hamlets, but my question was specifically about the town hall siege declarations)
@Harleyyelrah said in Siege Bugs:
Ah I see!
By the way, is it intended that only the leader of a group of settlers can declare a siege? I understand the need for having settlers to become new citizens in case of the attackers' conquest, but the way this system is currently set up means that a current governor will never be able to declare a siege, since they cannot make a settlers' group due to already being a governor. Would it be possible to change the system so that a governor can declare siege from the town hall after a settlers' group has also been formed at the town hall? It seems weird that currently only a vice-governor would be able to make a settlers' group and then declare siege from the town hall.
(Of course the situation is different with guilds declaring siege on hamlets, but my question was specifically about the town hall siege declarations)
It's intended. Settler groups are only linked to players, not to cities. Making them so would take a while, just to remove a slightly "weird" feeling that doesn't really have an impact on gameplay
Thanks for the testing info everyone. I am sorry that there are not more on and available to join in.