PvP Tournament - This Saturday - 14th November at 18:00 GMT
Town of Ariana Grand, Greater Myr Shield (Just below Heartwood)
No Bandages, no herbal remedies
No Execute upon death (no full loot dead bodies - otherwise KoS)
Any gear set allowed, any enchants allowed
You can change your gear set/skill set/talent set between fights at will
No interference from 3rd parties. If you interfere you will first get a warning and the match will reset. Any further warnings will result in you being disqualified as a participant and become KoS.
Horses in battle allowed
If you exit the arena (surrounded by fences) you get disqualified
A no show will result your opponent winning the round by default.Brackets:
1v1 (inside arena). KO until finals and semi-finals. Then best of 3. Loser's bracket for 3rd place also best of 3.
3v3 (inside arena). KO until finals and semi-finals. Then best of 3. Loser's bracket for 3rd place also best of 3. If you are knocked (have purple hp) you are out that round. If your team members attempts to fight with purple hp - they will lose you the round.
5v5 gvg (open ground). Best of 3 for all rounds. A guild wins by completely knocking out the entire team. If you are knocked (have purple hp) you are out that round. If your guild members attempts to fight with purple hp - they will lose you the round.
10v10 gvg (open ground) Best of 3 for all rounds. A guild wins by completely knocking out the entire team. If you are knocked (have purple hp) you are out that round. If your guild members attempts to fight with purple hp - they will lose you the round.Register your interest below! Brackets will be final at 14th November at 17:00 GMT
Cant w8 2 shit on u n00bs xD
I dont see why bandages would be disallowed xD i understand the herbals but bandages ? Giving a lot of power to mages with that i would say.
Doubt ill have the time to farm up stuff but i might enter just for the lols.
@vedran625 we did some testing if u use bandages some fight can last for like 10 mins u dont wonna watch that with this state of pvp
Thank you to everyone that came
was fun. Will try to do something similar next time
Did anyone stream this?
The tournament was awesome (grats to the winner of course), THANK YOU LordRellik
Imo such event should be held during every alpha/beta to check viability of abilities/weapons.
From this tournament one can see that
- agains shield user with permastunning melee weapon and active stuns one needs stun break
- and that stunning weapons should have cd on their passive stun...if they dont already
- also that mages need some Willpower affecting cc ability vs 2h melees (like fear), who otherwise kill them in 2 hits
- and that ranged and assassin builds probably suck atm as none were present
Thank You a lot, looking forward to another content (as 95% of videos on Youtube are "building the house").
What is that medium armor guy with the two handed sword using to heal for 280hp all the time !? Is it the generic mage heal ?
Second Wind with maxed STR
@Ostaff said in PvP Tournament - This Saturday - 14th November at 18:00 GMT:
Second Wind with maxed STR
I meant the small heals, he was healing for 280 every so often ... kinda looks like bandages, but i know the basic mage heal also sometimes doesnt have an animation.
oh.. don't think he was using bandages since those were restricted for the tournament, however he very well may have been using Verdant Regrowth which sounds like what you were saying.
@vedran625 The Melee guy was Donnie i think, and he was using the Minor healing.
The Minor Healing is always healing you for 280.
If he was using a bandage, with the bandage heal there is a spread, means you don't get the same heal twice in raw, 1 bandage can heal you for 400 the second one for 300 for example.No body was using bandages, everything was legit.
Thank you guys. Really cool to see some PvP footage!