Cleaning up
I haven't been able to find anything on this and I am sorry for all the questions. I have been gone for school (University is harsh). Will servers or maps be wiped or reset ever so allow people to not be behind if they are new at all times? Or will is there a system in place for new people not to get stomped on at every waking moment.
Yes, there will be a wipe after each alpha and beta test. Prometheus stated this somewhere on the forums one time.
No I mean full release not alpha and beta. @Ostaff
Ah... to that I have no idea, however, I doubt they will unless they just really need to. As they have tried to make the game in a way so that a new person can catch up to a veteran pretty easily, I don't really see a reason why they would need to reset the server after release. They may however start a new server that will be a fresh start? That would be more likely, I believe.
@TrueCrimsonFTW The servers won't be wiped after release.
Fractured is fully persistent and due to the horizontal progression, it shouldn't be too hard for a newbie to catch up.
Good question, @TrueCrimsonFTW!
As in the tests, the world of Finished Fractured will continue w/o you while you're gone, so (just as in tests) you'll want to be sure to end up in a safe-ish place before you log out. I always tried to find a friendly fireplace.
Because this game doesn't feature P2W, I think the percentage of hard-core professionals and unemployed incels will actually be lower in this game than in a more usual sort of 'freemium' mmorpg or rts.
If RL intrudes for a while, or we go on vacation, our toons can dream of us by the fireside until we're ready to play again. Because the same stuff happens to everyone, advantages gained should even out in the long run.
@PeachMcD Do you think the party system will be implemented? That way people can follow each other easier and find one another?
The party system already exists but we have been promised map markers in the next Alpha, so should be easier to keep track of where the rest of the party is.
@Stacy555 Thank you I am just behind. Any updates on party numbers or benefits?
So far the party system has been very very bad. Up until this new test coming up, you literally could not see where any of your party members were. In order to add a party member you have to be able to click on them. The second test had a problem were party members would not gain any knowledge from kills, though they did correct that in the last test. So as of the moment, the only benefit from having a party is sharing knowledge on kills and having a party chat channel. Also, you are able to have your part members loot your corpse if you decide (or forced to) spawn elsewhere.
@Ostaff Do you think they will provide Guild bonuses or aligning with other guilds or guild wars in terms of the party system?
Its really too soon to know that, though I am sure they would be permissible to that endeavor.
@Ostaff Never too soon to hope!!!!
@Ostaff Never too soon to hope!!!!
It's happened before that something random someone posted about was seen by the devs, who liked the idea and put it in. No harm in wishing here, ever! Demanding is less smiled-upon
I really do hope that we'll have friend/guild/party markers on our maps this time. It would be awesome to log in and see where my guildies or friends are adventuring so I could go help them. And it's been honestly ridiculous to be in a party where I had zero idea where the other toon(s) are if they wander out of my sightline...
but this is an alpha, and the devs are testing specific new content, so I'm not beyatching, just saying that the party system doesn't feel fully realized yet for a very good reason.
Hopefully by release they will implement global commands like /party, /guild, /whisper etc that will let you execute things without seeing the actual player.
@PeachMcD I wouldn't say I am demanding. That guy @Ostaff comments a lot on my stuff so I am giving him a rough time.
I think you misunderstood, Peach
She was saying that you were not demanding but "wishing for", which is the much preferred method
Basically, she was complementing you.
@Ostaff OHH!!! I was lost. I felt like I wasn't very demanding lol.
My favourite party option is allways "Follow".
Its nice if one needs to go to the door, ... and not the whole party needs to wait because he can just follow one (even if he isn't fighting back, ...)