Is there planned any "CD reduction" in case of spell saved?

  • @Razvan Some abilities are already tied to weapons ("only blunt/sharp" - for example Bash which requires blunt weapon and even has CC), this is nearly the same ... some abilities would imo welcome this approach (can you do Concussive strike dagger? seems weird if you can)... just specialise abilities little more so damaging abilities are only usable with damaging weapons, CC heavy abilities only with maces as you write.
    I´d also welcome some middle way - medium weapons that can use most abilities, but will not have access to anything with hard CC (stuns on blunt only) so maybe soft CC (slows and such), also damage wouldn´t be nearly as bis as with "damaging weapons"(maybe give axes some kind of passive bonus to crits or something, but dont let them have stun abilities).
    Or limit enchanting possibilities with weapons: blunt - only defensive, accuracy and CC enchants, axes only offensive - crit chance + crit damage + attck speed. Mediums would get anything, but in smaller numbers.

    ...could also be done by altering every ability, so the ability would behave differently depending on weapon (more damage + aoe with sharp, more cc with blunt), but thats too much work and imo it´s fine some abilities can only be used with particular weapons.

    This way you can also tell what the enemy is capable of doing before engaging them.

    agreed, super important in game without classes and limitations, "you are what you wear" was among few things Albion did right 🙂


    Offensive abilities could be distributed to different categories. Some abilities could be used by any melee, some are shared by different weapons, e.g. by same damage type (blunt, pierce, cut), and some abilities are only for a specific weapon family. That way a different offensive themes can be created around different categories. I guess this is kind of what devs have already doing and what you guys have suggested, but I think the system needs to be more organized and polished in general.

  • @asspirin
    Yes, but I mean, being able to bring multiple weapons and switch between them defeats the purpose of abilities being tied to weapons. Right now you can bring a tank weapon for initiation and after the enemies are pulled and CC'ed, you can switch to a dps melee weapon and hack them. It takes away from the purpose of zvz being about team coordination.

  • @Razvan Truth, but CD on weapon swap is still unknown, right ? Could also be abused for example with shield.
    How about some short time (like 1 second) of disarm on weapon swap? In reality you also dont instantly switch weapons, you have to unsheath your weapon and sheath the one you´re wielding.

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