PK punishment
@frost You do not get exiled from Arboreus for PvPing there. Beastmen can get exiled if they turn against their own race but this will be a long and hard process. Evil aligned Humans and Demons can still go to Arboreus to kill other players, but they will have to deal with the hostile environment while doing so.
@specter Yeah that's what I said xD I think you misread my statement
That's why I said most serious PK demons will go to other planets to kill players.
Yeah I'm kinda curious to see if it'll be playable or if will be a game for gankers/pkers thus marking the end of the game like all those of its kind. No safe end game zones but only starting spots will call it, like happend on AO. But I have no idea what the target of this game is, if the idea is to have a niche game for 1000 players (fan of PK/Gank) or try to get a few million by following the wishes of everyone.
This has always been a problem in these types of games. I remember playing TERA when it came out and thoroughly enjoyed the open world pvp until it got to the point where higher lvl players would just camp and the game became unfun and i eventually just stopped playing because it got so bad.
As someone who also enjoys ganking and pvping people of my same power lvl though i find one of the biggest deterrents to that behavior is no reward. If you remove the reward for constant PKing it loses a lot of its thrill. Whether this is having a burdened status that prevents carrying equipment or looting, or each kill taxes you and decreases the time you can spend in another world. I hope they stay away from a system that penalizes the attacker with things like decreased health/damage as this causes some people to treat it like a challenge and encourages the behavior
The main problem is not on the PvP style but the fact that you can lose things. That's the only reason for pkers/gankers to farm players. To make hem mad ;). Without the loot they would lose interest in farming players. But I can't hope for that hahahaha
. For example.. I have no problem to play in a open pvp world if I don't lose things otherwise i'll just move around safe zones. Do we have safe zones :thinking:??? Prolly not the game for me hahaha
@Ildirettore Do you like to play as PK/Ganker?
@finland I find it quite amusing to drop stuff when you die actually. With this feature players need to be more careful of their surroundings to try to avoid ganks and just do not to carry many things with you, specially things with high value. If you want to get some high valuable item from one city to another just use npcs to carry it safely. Also when you die you will lose your gear, but that's no big deal, as devs already said, gear is something easily obtaineable and it won´t affect much the difference in power between players.
@Frost Well was just to argue about something ;). I would like to avoid to buy a copy of AO ;). Anyway we have to see the game before drawing hasty conclusions
@tulukaruk from my understanding the demon planet and the human planet will have different kind of PvP and this will mean different PK punishment.
The demon planet is called "lawless" while the human planet is called "lawful". I don't know what this means exactly, and I am unsure if the devs have announced the actual difference.
From my understanding though that would mean that the demon planet will have no PK punishment and that the human planet will have some kind of PK punishment.
@phaethonas Tartaros the Demon planet is exactly as you said, lawless, you can PK all you want with no consequences at all, it's more like PK it's a rule in there. In Syndesia, the Human planet, you can PK but there will exist a justice system that will punish in some way those who do that.
@frost Do we have any more information about this justice system?
@phaethonas Not sure, I don´t think so at least. If we have I haven´t read it yet.
I hope something good to force ppl avoiding pking
@finland said in PK punishment:
I hope something good to force ppl avoiding pking
Then what's the point of the game?
@jetah There are a lot of points. @Finland is talking about the justice system in the human planet. If you want a PK environment play in the demons.
@Jetah For sure not only pvp! Usually mmorpgs had separate servers for pvp and pve. This means that will be hard to manage the merge but if your only purpose is to ruin the gameplay of pvers or rpers you have some problems
@frost said in PK punishment:
@jetah There are a lot of points. @Finland is talking about the justice system in the human planet. If you want a PK environment play in the demons.
I don't see a good enough reason to forcibly preventing pvp on a neutral planet. If that was the case then the game would have 2 pve planets and 1 pvp.
I want a PK environment on all planets!
You should go play eve online or albion online. There are only pkers and gankers, you will enjoy it
@jetah Arboreus is a PvE planet. Tartaros is a PvP planet. Syndesis is a PvPvE planet. All planets have PvP including Arboreus but all of them differently. I don´t see the point of having 3 planets based on the same rules with the same environment. If that was the case just 1 bigger planet would be enough. The point of being neutral is exactly why PKers need to have consequences. Otherwise it would be just 1 more PvP planet along with Tartaros.
@frost said in PK punishment:
@jetah If that was the case just 1 bigger planet would be enough.
that sounds great. can't wait to pvp everywhere!