Race Evolutions Sugestion.
@deusex2 I know what you meant and I do not mind if there are any typos. Anyway, this is getting pretty pointless so it is better to stop here.
@Tuoni said in Race Evolutions Sugestion.:
@deusex2 I know what you meant and I do not mind if there are any typos. Anyway, this is getting pretty pointless so it is better to stop here.
So long as my words aren't taken out of context.
@Meiki said in Race Evolutions Sugestion.:
I think I got lost... where do we discuss the race evolution sugestions? The sign here read that... but for some reason I found you guys discussing crowdfunded MMOs being failures...
backs away from the room quickly
Sorry for the intrusion!NOBODY BRINGS ME BACK ON TRACK AND WALKS OUT OF IT! GET OVER HERE!!!throws a Skorpion hook
Joking aside, most of the stuff you suggested were more suited as abilities or ability sets. Whereas some make little sense, namely some of the neutral options. Why would gods send someone on a divine mission, for being only an occasional deepshyte? If I were a god, I'd look at neutrals, and ask myself,"are these guys even trying?" I mean, aren't we supposed to show our devotion, before gods decide we're worthy enough to be granted a divine quest, as an ultimate test of faith and dedication? If my understanding is even partially correct, then there's no place for half measures.
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@deusex2 said in Race Evolutions Sugestion.:
Not gonna like-I really like the idea of racial evolution... Especially such a drastic one like demons have.
But that's just for the good guys, and what about those trully diabolical ones? Can the trully diabolical ones evolve to become even worse? Some demons may decide that it's better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven. So why not have an evolution option for those REALLY evil ones, where they become archdemons, or devils?
And why not make the same for beastmen, as well? Abomination for evil ones and...I dunno a treant, or a driad for the holly ones?
Honestly, the whole idea of evolution is an interesting one and I'd love to see it expanded, in due time.
The purpose of the transformations seen thus far is to provide the opportunity for "good Demons" and "evil Beastmen" who are otherwise mechanically and canonically coerced into evil and good roles respectively.
There's also Lich, but I don't understand the exact effects of it upon a Human character, and it was also a stretch goal (i.e. not considered vital to the base game content like Angel and Abomination are.)
There's no clear purpose to having super Demons and super Beastmen, and this would lead to a feature creep of "but wait, what about mega Humans?!" and so forth and so on.
DS will introduce the god of laziness which might or might not grant that divine quest.
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@Jetah said in Race Evolutions Sugestion.:
DS will introduce the god of laziness which might or might not grant that divine quest.
I would definitely follow god of lazyness.
@Meiki said in Race Evolutions Sugestion.:
@deusex2 You are forgetting there are neutral alligned gods
So you can offer your utmost devotion to them - namely Iridia the Mother of all humans and Galvanos, god of knowledge.
I'm not forgetting, but those are kinda obvious ones, since humans are natural aligned and it kinda makes sense for a goddess of humans and a god of knowledge to look out for humans, who also happen to be starving for knowledge. It is humanity's shtick, afterall.
@FibS said in Race Evolutions Sugestion.:
@deusex2 said in Race Evolutions Sugestion.:
Not gonna like-I really like the idea of racial evolution... Especially such a drastic one like demons have.
But that's just for the good guys, and what about those trully diabolical ones? Can the trully diabolical ones evolve to become even worse? Some demons may decide that it's better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven. So why not have an evolution option for those REALLY evil ones, where they become archdemons, or devils?
And why not make the same for beastmen, as well? Abomination for evil ones and...I dunno a treant, or a driad for the holly ones?
Honestly, the whole idea of evolution is an interesting one and I'd love to see it expanded, in due time.
The purpose of the transformations seen thus far is to provide the opportunity for "good Demons" and "evil Beastmen" who are otherwise mechanically and canonically coerced into evil and good roles respectively.
There's also Lich, but I don't understand the exact effects of it upon a Human character, and it was also a stretch goal (i.e. not considered vital to the base game content like Angel and Abomination are.)
There's no clear purpose to having super Demons and super Beastmen, and this would lead to a feature creep of "but wait, what about mega Humans?!" and so forth and so on.
The point of superdemons/angels/abominations is for gods to have better servants, as well as a hook to keep dedicated even more dedicated.
@Jetah said in Race Evolutions Sugestion.:
DS will introduce the god of laziness which might or might not grant that divine quest.
To the contrary-if I were a god of laziness, I'd work my worshipers to death, so that I could laze around even more! ^_^
@Meiki said in Race Evolutions Sugestion.:
@Jetah Wouldn't he be too lazy to even bother granting quests?
which might or might not grant that divine quest.